A photo from open sources
Almost ten million people die of cancer every year in the world, practically – every fourth earthling. And by 2030, according analysts predict that every third will die from cancer man on earth. At the same time, avoiding cancer is so easy that one gets the impression – humanity wants to die from this terrible disease. Or someone pushes him to this.
Back in 1969, Dr. Richard Day of the world declared that modern medicine can easily cure cancer of any complexity. Almost half a century has passed, and things are still there. Why? Yes, because a pharmaceutical monster coupled with orthodox medicine is not it’s beneficial to cure cancer, they earn up to a trillion a year on this dollars, and maybe even a lot more.
Italian doctor Gennaro Sangermano proved that cancer is not some invincible malignant tumor like it is today represents medicine, but simply the body’s reaction to the overgrown Candida fungus. And this fungus is suppressed quite easily by ordinary table soda. Sangermano put on his feet with soda already hundreds of “cancer incurable” people, for which he lost his medical diploma and even spent three years in prison, like a charlatan.
To treat candida overgrown fungus even with soda is a complex medical process that can only be carried out by a doctor. But you can completely prevent this, it’s not for nothing that they say that the disease is easier to prevent, especially since candida is present in each organism, simply for the time being, does not appear for the time being.
If you do not want to suffer and die from cancer – just drink in the morning on an empty stomach with warm water ordinary baking soda. And no cancer you will not have – NEVER!
A photo from open sources
As Professor Neumyvakin says, soda is a unique natural a mineral that can cleanse our body, and in particular blood vessels from deposits, as well as cleans, for example, of dirt and plaque cups and bowls. In addition, soda eliminates acidification. organism, which leads to the fact that the candida fungus begins vigorously develop and cause cancer. By the way, an acidified organism – this is generally a hotbed of all kinds of diseases.
Therefore, in the morning on an empty stomach, at least fifteen minutes before eating you need to take a solution of a teaspoon of soda in a glass of warm water. Begin with a quarter of a spoon, gradually increasing the dose. The famous Elena Roerich, for information, took soda all her life, it is her recipe that Neumyvakin leads.
By the way, we just add that Neumyvakim cures with the help of soda many ailments, for example, eliminates problems with gums and teeth, and all this is so simple that you wonder – why is a person still goes to doctors and poisons himself with all kinds of chemicals, buying them at pharmacies for decent money? By the way, chemotherapy used from cancer is generally terrible because it kills all cells body indiscriminately. And the doctors know this very well, but they don’t less killed by chemotherapy for a cancer patient, and still great profit from it. So we draw conclusions, gentlemen, but for now we are looking video how to avoid cancer.
And yet, look and share this information on social networks, send to your near and dear ones. Let’s be together fight cancer, which actually does not constitute no threat to humans …