Reducing Arctic sea ice in the background Antarctic increases is an interesting puzzle for scientists. Photo from open sources © Volodymyr Goinyk | At September 2013, the area of Arctic ice reached a minimum values in the annual cycle (5.1 million square kilometers), which is the sixth lowest value in the last seven most troubled years. “This is the result of a complex interaction between natural climate variability and a long-term trend, – said Julien Stroev, an expert at the US National Center for snow and ice research. “Colleague Julien Stroyev, Marc Serrese, believes that the state of the cryosphere this year was largely sobering about long-term forecasting. Recall that earlier some organizations made statements that in the summer 2013, the Arctic will be completely cleared of ice. However, Arctic ice remains much thinner than in previous years, as confirmed by direct and indirect observations.
Photo from open sources © Volodymyr Goinyk | Shutterstock.comAt the same time, in September 2013, at the other pole of the Earth recorded a record large area of the Antarctic marine ice (19 million 470 thousand square kilometers). it significantly more than the norm and more record last September 2012 of the year. Increased Antarctic Sea Ice Area Scientists associated with strong circumpolar winds that blow ice outward and contribute to the expansion of the area. Unlike dramatic reduction of ice in the Arctic Antarctica ice area annually increases by 1.1%.
Antarctica Arctic Records