This year’s first lap on field

“ThisPhoto from open sources

April 16 in the English village of Churchhill in Wiltshire County probably discovered the first mysterious circle on the field this year. At least, this amazing formation on cereal crops It turned out to be the first – officially registered. It appeared on a field near a local attraction called “White Oldbury horse “- a large geoglyph in the form of a horse. Apparently, not only people are used to portraying something on earth here.

Estimated alien drawing having a total length of 30 meters, are two perfectly even circles connected three parallel lines. In this case, in a larger circle inscribed a figure resembling a crescent. Image discovered farmers who then immediately turned to a local resident with drone. The quadrocopter of the Englishman, flying above the field, captured camcorder this mysterious structure that was clearly impossible create in one night with human hands.

A photo from open sources

Some experts suggest that this geoglyph is designed remind us of an upcoming space event that will happen August 21st. The sun, venus, earth and moon will have to line up in one line, which will lead to a total solar eclipse on our the planet. Despite the fact that the eclipse will mainly be observed in the United States, residents of such Russian settlements like Anadyr, Providence and Beringovsky.

A photo from open sources

It is noteworthy that a similar drawing was found back in 1887 on a 5,000-year-old Kokno stone in the Scottish region of West Dunbartonshire. British archaeologist James Harvey discovered then on the local farm an incomprehensible stone slab measuring approximately 9 by 18 meters, on which countless lines, dots, spirals, circles and other geometric shapes. Having carefully studied the find, the scientist suggested that the artifact depicts a map of the starry sky. AND one of the symbols indicated on the Kocno stone exactly matches the a geoglyph found two weeks ago in an English field.

However, some UK residents are convinced that the sign on the field has nothing to do with the starry sky. These british convinced that the structure that emerged in the crops symbolizes the exit The United Kingdom from the European Union which may happen in the near future. Like, a big circle on the geoglyph symbolizes the European Union, and small – Britain, separating from the EU. Or field circles predict by-election results regarding Brexitis, which will be held on June 8.

UK Geoglyphs Eclipse Stones

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