“Three-legged” girl spotted in panoramas Google

Photo from open sources

The other day, the famous map service “Google Maps” again interested in conspiracy theorists and simple curious when a certain a web user unexpectedly discovered a strange photo in a random photo “anomaly.”

According to our hero, he looked at the panoramas of the Croatian the city of Split and at some point noticed in the background one of the pictures a couple of girls – something in them immediately seemed strange to him. He enlarged this fragment of the image and came in a real surprise: one of the young ladies had three legs! When the man spoke about his find on social networks, a screenshot from portraying girls scattered across many Internet resources.

Of course, the most logical explanation for what happened sounds like this: a camera on a google machine did the panoramic shot is of poor quality, and due to an overlay error one foot the girls split. By the way, note that such “clumsy shots” for this mapping service is almost a common occurrence (see video below).

However, this does not interfere with many of the regulars on the World Wide Web. cost more bizarre and ridiculous theories. For example, that unknown croatian is a mutant, scary monster or even an alien from another planet. By the way, including the following video recording, you can see some other interesting ones, unusual, and sometimes even frightening anomalies, accidentally discovered someone in the Google panoramas.

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