Three scenarios of the death of mankind

Three scenarios of the death of mankindPhotos from open sources of

We will all die someday. This is not a tragedy, it is a fact. Humanity is not forever. What threatens him soon (and not very soon) the future? The three most likely scenarios for our death civilization.

Volcanic eruption

A photo from open sources

Earth in the past has experienced such tragedies. Eruption the Toba super-volcano 75 thousand years ago almost put an end to humanity. 20,000 sq. M. km surface turned into a Martian desert, not even cockroaches survived, which even the nuclear explosion.

Sulphurous rains on Earth for 6 years, killing vegetation. The planet was covered with a layer of ash with a thickness of 15cm. (South Asia) up to 9m. (Malaysia). Ashes rising in the air closed The sun, the temperature fell 15 degrees. Of every 6 animals, inhabiting the Earth before the disaster, 5 died. View of Homo sapiens standing on the verge of extinction, no more than 10,000 individuals remained.

Our ancestors survived exclusively in their wildness. Not spoiled the benefits of civilization, they adapted to more difficult conditions and managed to survive until bright days.

Today’s humanity, which has lost its skills in the wild, has a much lower chance of survival. When in a few dozen years after the disaster, the first rays will break through dusty clouds suns, they will be seen by a few units. And even if humanity is like the view will continue, civilization will die unambiguously and people will begin re-write your story from scratch.

Such a gloomy scenario formed the basis of more than one disaster film. But now volcanologists say more and more about him: activity of the Yellowstone super-volcano (the largest on Earth) causes them great concern. When the volcano explodes – the cataclysm of 75,000 years ago will be just “easy warm-up before a major disaster.

The only consolation is the uncertainty of the date of this inevitable event. Volcanologists say that we have 10 to 10,000 years left. IN the scale of a galaxy operating in the billions, the difference insignificant. But if humanity has at least 1,000 years left, it already gives hope that mankind will have time to prepare for imminent disaster.

Collision with an asteroid

A photo from open sources

Humanity cannot avoid this event either. The future killer there is even a name: Apophis. This asteroid, discovered in 2004, has diameter 325m. And don’t let the “insignificant” sizes calm you down celestial body. Scientists equate the consequences of a collision with him to the bombing of 560 Mt. This is a minimum, there are calculations in 880Mt and even in 1480. (For comparison: the power of the “Baby”, which destroyed Hiroshima – 18Kt, Tunguska meteorite – 40Mt, Krakatau volcano explosion – 200Mt.)

In 2013, an asteroid flew, although close to Earth, but not hurt her. In 2029 he will return, the next meeting – in 2036. Astronomers reassure us that neither in 2029 nor in 2036 threatens, but as for the future – here they are neatly go away from a definite answer.

Killer – The Sun

A photo from open sources

This scenario also raises no doubts among scientists. The sun, the source of life on Earth, will become our killer. Long time we were scared that life on Earth would die when our light. In fact, our planet will not freeze, but burn.

The sun is gradually warming up, in the future its brightness will increase by 40%. The Earth’s surface will heat up to 1300 degrees. At this temperature, rocks melt. On Earth will not remain nothing alive. Then the star will begin to shrink to white dwarf. Hot hell will be replaced by dead cold.

But none of those reading this article will definitely see this: this will happen in 1.1 billion years, and does not know such centenarians even the Old Testament.

Posted by Klim Podkova

Volcanoes Life Sun

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