Lama from the Gyandrek Monastery near Kailash, known as the Oracle Shambhala told how to survive the apocalypse, which he said will last two weeks. Photo from open sources According to the predictions of the Indians Maya, less than two months are left before the apocalypse. AND although scientists, as they should be, urge not to believe in the absurd forecasts, astrologers and fortune tellers seriously discuss what will be scheduled doomsday. So, Tibetan lamas do not hide that the risk of a serious disaster is quite high: at the end of December the planet The solar system is lined up in a row, which is unique case. In his NASA message, the Lama from Gyandrek Monastery under Kailash, known as the Oracle of Shambhala, said that December 21 2012 Earth, along with the solar system will go through galactic “zero band”. “Autumn and winter will be warm, but with 12/21/2012 Earth will begin to pass through the galactic “zero strip. “This is a special state of space where they are extinguished and cannot no energy spread. There will be complete darkness and silence. The electricity and communication will be disconnected. Darkness will be followed flashes of light, as well as the play of light and shadow. May at times it seems that the figures are wandering – as if the dead had risen from the tombs. The earth will be slightly shaken – as if insignificant earthquake. Some buildings may be destroyed, “- warned the llama. “Animals of the Earth will feel the advance in advance “cosmic darkness” and hide in holes, says the monk. – People in cities they won’t feel, therefore there will be victims of madness. Can 10% of the world’s population perish. “The Shambhala oracle painted and practical recommendations for earthlings: 1. You need in advance prepare for this cycle change, complete all the affairs of 2012, not tie new ones, pay off debts. 2. 12.20.2012 to take their children, all documents, cash and travel from cities to nature. Prepare a stock of products for 2 months, since the electricity network will be restored for a long time. 3. You must have a supply of water in the house, firewood for heating and candles for lighting. Must have in the house stove, since electricity will cease to flow from 12.21.2012 wires. 4. Communication and television will be disconnected. Within “days darkness “hang the windows dark, do not look in them, do not believe your eyes and ears, do not go outside. If necessary you cannot go far, you can get lost, because you won’t you can even see your own hand. 5. After the light comes, do not rush returning to the city, it is better to live in nature until spring. Cataclysms according to the Tibetan lama will last two weeks, although the echoes will be felt for several months until the beginning of February. Complete exit of the Earth from the “zero band”, expected to be about 7 February 2013 Partial recovery will occur. power supply, transport links. By the end of March, the world recover completely. The end of the world will radically change the worldview of people, said the Shambhala Oracle. It will become more spiritual. In developed and developing countries will bloom a variety of scientific and spiritual teachings, health development systems and personality. “This will be the most important impetus to human progress. for long times, “concludes the monk. Meanwhile, scientists are still They claim that fears of the apocalypse are not justified. “New data suggest that the ancient Mayans did not apocalyptic prophecies, “- quoted words Director of the Central America Research Institute Marcello Canuto Many Mayan scholars agree that their civilization, if it existed today, most likely would invent a new calendar. Archaeologists have even found evidence in deep rainforest texts in which the ancient Mayans mentioned about dates later than December 21, 2012.
End of the World Solar System Tibet Mayan Shambhala Civilization