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The ufologists of the United States of America have made an incredible discovery: actor Keanu Reeves, it turns out, is an immortal person or, according to least time traveler.
Researchers have found evidence of this: comparing photographs Reeves with portraits of famous people of past eras, they came to the conclusion that the actor is at least five hundred years old. How could he survive so many centuries, not really aging?
U.S. ufologists may suggest that Reeves uses alien knowledge in medicine that allows him to renew your age – and to infinity. In this case, he may not even five hundred, but thousands of years. According to another hypothesis, Keanu Reeves is just a time traveler using technology future to move along the time curve. However, more You can learn more about all this by looking at the proposed below. video material (in English).
Keanu Reeves is a Canadian-American actor as well filmmaker, film producer and even musician. He starred in such famous films like “Constantine”, “The Matrix”, “Devil’s Advocate” and many others. His multi-faceted talent as well as unique appearance, not amenable to aging, may have caused so keen interest of researchers of paranormal phenomena. Note that similar analogies are not made for the first time in biographies famous people: all bright personalities cause not only interest society, but also surrounded by a halo of mystery and mysticism.