A photo from open sources
As part of the American BRAIN program, American Defense DARPA Advanced Development Agency launched production tiny electronic implants that will interact with the nervous system directly and be able to directly control and regulate various diseases and chronic conditions, for example arthritis, PTSD, Crohn’s disease, and depression.
The ElectRx program will ultimately have to replace drugs with neural implants “closed cycle”, who will constantly evaluate the state of your health, and then provide the necessary nerve stimulation to support the functioning of certain organs and biological systems properly. Work is mainly done on American soldiers and veterans, but there is no doubt that someday technology will reach civilians, as once – The Internet.
DARPA – Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency – Agency Defense Advanced Research Projects) – Agency US Department of Defense Responsible for Developing New Technologies for use in the armed forces. DARPA’s mission is maintaining the technological superiority of the US armed forces, prevention of a sudden appearance of new technical for the USA weapons of warfare, support for breakthrough research, bridging the gap between basic research and its military use.
If you feel uneasy, relax: an implant such as a pacemaker that has become familiar, supports the lives of thousands, if not millions of people.
ElectRx program will focus on a relatively new area a medical treatment called neuromodulation. As follows from names, neuromodulation is associated with modulation of the nervous system, improving or correcting certain of its problems. A prime example neuromodulations can be called cochlear implants, which restore hearing using direct modulation of the auditory nervous your brain system, as well as deep brain stimulation (GSM), which shows good results in treatment or regulation different conditions (depression or Parkinson’s disease) with overriding erroneous nerve bursts with adjustable healthy stimulation.
Until now, these implants have been pretty big things – the size of a deck of cards – which made their implantation quite invasive, which means risky. To the most advanced implants also lack precision – stimulating electrodes usually placed in the right area, but not exactly, and also difficult Target a specific nerve fiber (bundle of nerves). FROM ElectRx DARPA wants to reduce the size of these neuromodulatory implants to the size of nerve fibers. Thus, they can will implant with a minimally invasive procedure (via needle) and attach to certain nerve fibers for very accurate stimulation.
A photo from open sources
While these implants cannot regulate everything conditions or replace all medicines – at least for now – they can be very effective in preventing quite a large number of conditions. Basically, these conditions are caused by that your nervous system is not working properly – first of all due to inflammatory diseases, but also due to brain disorders and psyche.
Currently a variety of drugs are trying to coax these violent neurons and to push back the nerves that are inflamed, manipulating various neurotransmitters – but the same effect can be invoke with an electronic implant that catches “flash”, clears the signal and redirects it.
“As part of the ElectRx program, DARPA plans to develop technology that can fundamentally change the way diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of injuries and diseases, ”says Doug Weber from DARPA. – Instead of relying only on drugs, we anticipate a closed-loop system that is on paper will work like a tiny intelligent pacemaker. is he will constantly assess the condition and provide incentives, Seeking to maintain healthy organ function and help patients stay healthy and great use your own body. ”
Despite the need for a host of technological breakthroughs, DAPRA plans to conduct ElectRx human trials over five years. The initial goal will be to improve the quality of life of American soldiers and war veterans – although there is not a word about which of states focus DARPA. Most likely something “simple” like arthritis, but maybe post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Earlier this year, DARPA has already announced a similar program for developing brain implants that will be able to recover lost memories and experience.
While the DARPA announcement about ElectRx is focused purely on the medical use of miniature neural implants, there are, of course and many other uses that may arise in the process of planned implantation – both for soldiers and for civilians. Using a few well placed implants on the spine you can just snap your fingers and turn off the pain, make the body move faster and stronger.
With implants placed exactly around the right nerves. fibers, you can literally get manual control of your organs – slow down or speed up your heart, start a liver or configure almost any other body function. Transhumanism is approaching.
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