Sandy hurricane in the USA, icy rain in Moscow, more frequent floods in Europe, incredible technological disasters – what it is: whether an overture to what was so strongly written in his Mayan calendar? Photo from open sources By the way, recently discovered in Guatemala another version of the calendar that does not predict the apocalypse in the world is not so popular. So, maybe it’s we ourselves who instill fears? Three years ago, and only talk was that about the end of the world, predicted by maya. And then the rumors about the end of the world began gradually shut up. And now, it would seem, it’s time to take stock Earth civilization in general and personal achievements in particular. the end December is two months later. But no! On the contrary, already formidable Mayan predictions found many other anti-evidence. The simplest thing is that Maya just finished on that date the calendar. By the way, this theory is close to me. Ours was today for so distant that it made no sense to predict anything. And we – here they are, born and live in our leap year 2012. Looking in icy rain and a hurricane and we don’t think that this is the beginning of the end of the world. These are just natural disasters, because a person always believes only what he wants to believe in. Lastly, a story, found on the web. “16 miles from the town where I born, is a nuclear power plant. Once my mother asked: have you heard about the accident? Nothing happened – the release was from the secondary circuit. Give you potassium iodide? I said no, and she – the therapist – went to work in the second shift. Then the calls began – an aunt from Saratov, an uncle from Tambov. Well, Serge, what do you have? Nothing. There were many victims people fell into toxicology – they consumed potassium iodide in packs and washed down with vodka – for the best effect. And even the atomic siren anxiety did not give. It seems to me that Armageddon, even local, personal for someone, comes unnoticed, can do without advertising. There will be nothing. In reality, so far only overpopulation. Or just every generation begins sooner or later to think (and even secretly hope!): maybe, with us, all the same craving? .. “Apocalypse in nature Lama from Gyandrek Monastery near Kailash, known as the Oracle of Shambhala, made a statement for NASA In his message, he said that on December 21, 2012, the Earth together with the solar system will pass through the galactic “zero strip. “According to the Tibetan Lama, around 10 am Moscow time Time 21.12.2012 on Earth will come complete darkness and silence. Not there will be light, electricity, communications and sound. “This condition spaces where it is extinguished and no one can spread energy where there are no electromagnetic fields for all objects. There is no need to be scared and worried, the llama warned. —The darkness will be accompanied by cosmic flashes, illusory flashes of light and will last about three to four days. Then the light of the sun again appears “.” Animals of the Earth in advance will sense the arrival of “space darkness “and hide in holes, – says the monk. – People in cities they don’t feel it, therefore there will be victims of madness. Can 10 percent of the world’s population perish. “The end of the world cardinally will change the worldview of people, the Oracle of Shambhala believes. It will become more spiritual. In developed and developing countries will bloom a variety of scientific and spiritual teachings, health development systems and personality. “This will be the most important impetus to human progress. for long times, “concludes the monk. Valery Kuptsov, scientific Kurchatov Institute employee: – About “state spaces where it is extinguished and no one can spread energy where there are no electromagnetic fields for all objects, ” modern science knows nothing – as well as about being realized whether in nature the so-called supersensory perception, which Tibetan lamas allegedly use as a tool of knowledge of the world. Which, of course, does not mean at all that there is none of this. I propose without panic to wait for the X-day, so that once again make sure all this is bullshit. And what, paraphrasing the known dictum, there is no science besides Science, and only true scientists have the right to speak on her behalf. I can also assume that the Oracle Shambhala some of their ideas about the physiology of the living, about homeostasis, which is necessary for any body to maintain stability and exist, and which is impossible without processes energy transfer. “Unconventional” as we delicately now call all this anti-scientific nonsense. Again at the last line That was the title of the publication “Evening Parties” of January 6, 2006. Second conversation with a member of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics Vasily Shabetnik was caused by the fact that his “near” forecasts relatively natural disasters were fully justified. What predicted Vasily Dmitrievich six years ago? “… the world will collapse in 2030 year. The surface of the planet is split. Any sane a man will be horrified by the map of cracks and faults! But the Earth – empty, it was determined by the Americans spectrophotometric method. IN there is no core, and under a relatively thin shell contains hot gas plasma. Plasma breaks through cracks out, heats the bottom of the oceans, and therefore began to change the climate. ” “… Americans, who suffered a lot of natural disasters, they say that over the past 40 years the average temperature on the planet increased by 2.7 degrees. And the Flood threatens us if The oceans will warm by 3.3 degrees “.” … Already now at the equator trillions of tons of meltwater have gathered! This is only the beginning. Will go under water Western Europe and part of Russia. The rise of water per meter in the World the ocean will flood New York. Recent events have made many territories of the USA, Japan, England and Holland are practically unsuitable for stable living on them a person. A little more – and under water will be Australia and New Zealand, the lowlands of Siberia, Southeast Asia and China. By 2012, the Earth may roll over and swap poles. “Vanga Bulgarian soothsayer at the end light did not believe. According to her, “by 2012, all religions will disappear, which only disconnect people. And the Peacemaker will appear, who unite humanity. “Nostradamus Earth and air freeze so much water, When they come on Thursday to pay homage. That what will be, has never been so beautiful, On four sides will come bow to him. Maya That’s who is to blame for our excitement! For Maya themselves apocalypse came 500 years ago. December 21 taken from their calendar, it accounts for the end of the 13th baktun, cycle in 5125 years, after which the war god Bolon Jokte will come. Hydromet the end of the world does not see Yesterday the head of the Russian Hydrometeorological Center of Russia Roman Villefand said that his department does not record any nature unusual phenomena indicating the approach of the end of the world. By according to Villefand, experts do not predict the end of the world, but decrease in daylight hours. Until December 22 every day astronomical daylight hours will be less and less. And by 22–23 December it will be only seven hours – very little. Apocalypse “late” If you carefully examine the most famous predictions, the apocalypse should have happened dozens of times. But, Despite the predictions, humanity continues to exist. Since in the religious interpretation the end of the world is often desired, unsurprisingly, the first “significant” prediction dates from 100 year of our era, when the followers of Christ predicted that after the death of the last of the 12 apostles will result in a second coming, after of which, in fact, the apocalypse will happen. Don’t tell me about It’s hard to find a television channel that would miss a chance scare the audience with the coming end of the world. The topic worked out and NTV, and TV-3, and Ren-TV, and Discovery … Why is it so readily exploited topic? Here are the names of just a few talk shows and doc films: “The End doomsday 2012 “,” An hour before the end of the world “,” Waiting for the end of the world “… People used to know that a person’s passing away is inevitable, but when constantly reminded of this, problems begin to seem ridiculous, and life is beautiful. FACT St. Matrona of Moscow shortly before her death, she predicted that in 2017, humanity disappear from the face of the earth. Astrologers argue, she said about the end of the world or allegorically predicted the passage of a comet in close proximity to our planet. FIGURE 16 “ends light “is currently planned by humanity. Date range – from 2013 to 3797. Schedule “doomsday” on coming years. 2012 – all space cycles will be flattened, change of poles. 2013 – Judgment Day, the transition to the fourth measurement. 2014 – cosmic dust will hide the sun from us. 2015 – the end of the 9576 year cycle. 2016 – glaciers will melt and flood most of the land. 2017 – doomsday according to theory hierarchical disasters. 2018 – Nostradamus nuclear war. 2019 – collision with asteroid 2002 Nt7. 2020 – doomsday by To Newton. And on December 21, 2012, the Mayan calendar ends. A number of astrologers have scheduled the end of the world for this date. December 21, 2012 Mayan calendar ends. A number of astrologers appointed on this date the end of the world. Llama from the monastery Gyandrek near Kailas, known as the Oracle of Shambhala, made statement for NASA. In his message, he said that December 21 2012 Earth, along with the solar system will go through galactic “zero band”. According to the Tibetan lama, about 10 Moscow time on December 21, 2012 on Earth will come complete darkness and silence. There will be no light, electricity, communication and sound. The earth at this moment will pass through the galactic “zero band”. “This is a state of space where it is extinguished and not no energy can be distributed where there are no electromagnetic fields in all objects. Don’t get scared and worried necessary, “the llama warned. Darkness will be followed cosmic flashes, illusory flashes of light and last about three to four days. Then the light of the sun will reappear. -Animals of the Earth will feel in advance the arrival of “cosmic darkness” and hide in holes, ”says the monk. – People in cities do not feel, so there will be victims of madness. 10% may die Earth’s population. “The oracle of Shambhala painted and practical step-by-step recommendations for earthlings: 1. You need in advance prepare for this cycle change, complete all the affairs of 2012, not tie new ones, pay off debts. 2. 12.20.2012 to take their children, all documents, cash and travel from cities to nature. Prepare a stock of products for 2 months, since the electricity network will be restored for a long time. 3. You must have a supply of water in the house, firewood for heating and candles for lighting. Must have in the house stove, since electricity will cease to flow from 12.21.2012 wires. 4. Communication and television will be disconnected. Within “days darkness “hang the windows dark, do not look in them, do not believe your eyes and ears, do not go outside. If necessary you cannot go far, you can get lost, because you won’t you can even see your own hand. 5. After the light comes, do not rush returning to the city, it is better to live in nature until spring. the exit of the earth from the “zero strip”, according to the Tibetan lama, expected on or about February 7, 2013. Partial restoration of power supply, transport communication. By the end March, the world will recover completely. The end of the world will radically change the worldview of people, said the Shambhala Oracle. It will become more spiritual. In developed and developing countries will bloom a variety of scientific and spiritual teachings, health development systems and personality. – This will be the most important impetus to the progress of mankind. for long times, “concludes the monk. SCIENTIFIC OPINION COMMUNITIES Valery Kuptsov, Researcher, Kurchatovsky Institute: – About the “state of space where it is extinguished and not no energy can be distributed where there are no electromagnetic fields of all objects, “modern science doesn’t knows – as well as whether the so-called supersensible perception, which, allegedly, is used by Tibetan llamas as a tool for understanding the world. Which, of course, is not at all means that there’s nothing of this – you never know what is in the world, what science does not know yet. Nevertheless, I propose without panic and fast movements wait for “day X”, so that once again make sure all this is bullshit. And what, paraphrasing the known dictum, there is no science other than Science, and only true scientists have the right to speak on her behalf, not to mention predictions of anything to anyone. Omitting the emotional evaluations of this “prophecy”, do not I can still not indicate that within their own Mr. Lama’s claims are repeatedly contradictory to himself. What stands, for example, his passage that physical condition the human body in this same “zero strip” is nothing threatens? I can assume that the Shambhala Oracle has some of its own ideas about the physiology of the living, about homeostasis, which is necessary to any organism in order to remain stable and exist, and which is impossible without energy transfer processes. “Unconventional,” as we delicately call this whole anti-scientific nonsense, because if it was for a change on an hour or two distracted from supersensory exercises and read some completely “traditional” biology textbook, hardly after I would advise this to the people supposedly standing on the threshold of “zero stripes “,” prepare a stock of products for 2 months “… Society To be afraid of the end of the world, you need to see him Timur Valeev, Maria Raevskaya, Lera Bokasheva
Astrologers War Water Time Life Health End of the World NASA Nostradamus Russia Sun Solar System USA Maya Civilization Fenugreek