To increase confidence in yourself – use lavender

To increase confidence in yourself - use lavenderA photo from open sources

According to Dutch psychologists, lavender aroma contributes to not only relaxation, but also trust between people. Very useful circumstance for conducting any negotiations, as well as in sports – command of his species.

For the experiment, scientists invited volunteers, their divided into two groups. One was offered the smell of peppermint, the other is lavender. After that, a game for money took place, during which “measured” a person’s willingness to rely on his neighbor.

As a result of the Dutch experiment, it turned out that the aroma lavender greatly contributes to the occurrence of increased trust between people. For example, he is able to help the seller successfully sell the car or force buyers to spend in the supermarket has more money than imagined.

Recall that American scientists recently found out: the nose of a person distinguishes up to a trillion of all kinds of smells (previously it was believed that no more than 10 thousand).


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