To wash or not to wash is the question!

Wash or not wash - that is the question!Photos from open sources of

For example, a chemist at the University of Massachusetts David Whitlock hasn’t been washing for twelve years since he believes that showering with shampoos and soap harms our the body is much more than even smoking and abuse alcohol.

Other chemists working with him follow his example. the creation of an alternative way to clean the skin. And they all feel beautifully, and from them, alas, does not smell like homeless people who wash very rarely.

Instead of water treatments, American scientists suggest spraying beneficial bacteria on the skin that deal with the processing of dirt and sweat, oxidation of urea and ammonia, neutralization of harmful microorganisms are much more effective and, most importantly, harmless than traditional shower or bath.

Chemists select useful bacteria for the skin, using mainly chicken droppings, they even founded AOBiome and created a special line of miraculous drugs called very symbolically – “Mother is dirt.”

A photo from open sources

According to David, almost all animals and birds clean themselves, wallowing in dust or dirt. Thus they receive from the earth necessary bacteria that not only cleanse the skin, fur, feathers from all unnecessary, but also create the necessary balance of microorganisms on them to maintain good health. This is a natural mechanism that much better than water, especially since no animal in nature uses soap or shampoos, even if bathed.

At the moment, mother-mud preparations by American chemists undergoing clinical trials, with the help of his scientists, together with doctors are trying to treat many skin diseases. Experiment successful …

Massachusetts chemists are also interested in the invention environmentalists and domestic workers who advocate saving freshwater resources of our planet, since it is during washing that people everyone is spending this invaluable gift of nature. There is already the real threat of a shortage of fresh water on Earth in the near the future.

According to experts of the Environmental Protection Agency United States Whitlock Skin Cleansing System Much More Effective (even if not everyone will accept it) than modern attempts, for example, by installation of video surveillance in hotels in order to control consumption water, as well as other power restrictive measures.


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