Photo from open sources Genetics were able to change tomatoes, getting universal product that cleanses blood vessels and supports the heart in working condition. According to, the mice whose fed dried tomato added to fatty foods less often faced narrowing of the arteries. Also recorded growth indicators of “beneficial cholesterol” – high lipoproteins density. But the markers of inflammation, on the contrary, fell. Modified tomatoes produced a small peptide molecule that mimics the main protein of high density lipoprotein ApoA-1. Moreover, the mice themselves were also genetically modified so that they cause inflammation and atherosclerosis (accumulation of fat deposits on artery walls). Survey Director Alan Vogelman of University of California stresses: ApoA-1 peptide is now much easier to deliver to the body. Plus, it is distinguished by increased efficiency. This is the first time that scientists have managed to get a herbal product having drug properties, with an element not requiring isolation or purification and able to remain active, passing the gastrointestinal tract.