A photo from open sources Pepper’s humanoid robot will first be sold exclusively in the Land of the Rising Sun, but already with July of this year, its appearance is expected in the world market.
This is the first personal robot that looks like a human like externally and emotionally. Pepper can recognize emotions people around him, especially his master, and accordingly respond to them. For example, he is able to rejoice with everyone, to be sad when they pay little attention, to be offended if they scold him, and so on.
Pepper Robot weighs twenty nine kilograms and has a height – meter twenty centimeters. Its base model will be sold in Japan for one thousand six hundred American dollars. The robot can to program for any domestic tasks, and its functional opportunities can be constantly increased and updated due to introducing new programs.
In Japan, Pepper’s emotional household robot is the first swallow, which opens the way to widespread use in home conditions of such indispensable helpers who can a lot and at the same time never get tired. But most importantly, they possess emotions, which is very important for creating normal psychological climate.
By the way, according to some analysts, humanoid robots in the future will replace pets for many single people, since such devices will be constantly improved, and intelligence and emotional attachments were soon achieved our pets, and even, most likely, significantly surpass them in many ways.
Robots Japan