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It is generally accepted that representatives of the biological kingdom plants have little to do with animals in terms of reason and others abilities. There is nothing surprising. Compare, for example, some bush and monkey – the difference is striking. Nonetheless, recently it became known that trees are more like us than we are thought. It turned out that they not only know how to think, feel and more so, at night they “sleep” in the same way as all living creatures.
International scientific group, consisting of Austrian, Hungarian and Finnish scientists proved that in the life of trees there is a circadian rhythm, that is, cyclic inconstancy the intensity of biological processes associated with night changes and of the day. In the dark, these processes slow down, and the trees “fall asleep”, and with the onset of morning “wake up” again, starting to absorb sunlight intensely. Catch these changes Specialists succeeded thanks to a high-precision laser scanner.
Finn Eetu Puttonen, one of the authors of the study, says: “We conducted lengthy observations of trees in various parts Europe and found out that at night these plants come in drooping drowsy state. With the onset of darkness, their branches descend and leaves – very slightly, however, laser scanning with easily determines these changes. As soon as it gets light leaves and branches rise again – wake up. And so it goes daily, that is, there is no doubt that these the changes are systematic, and at night the trees are in a state similar to our dream. ”
A photo from open sources
Trees fall asleep and dream
Scientists report that the branches and leaves of trees fall each night gradually reaching its lowest position (state the deepest sleep) a couple of hours before sunrise. With the morning they need about the same two hours to return to their original position, that is, to wake up completely. At the same time, researchers until they can determine what gives a signal for “awakening” plants – direct sunlight or “biological trees’ alarm clock. Scientists plan to soon erect around one from wild elms growing special impenetrable for ultraviolet sarcophagus to determine if plants really go into the phase of sleep and return from it, feeling on their leaves sunlight and its absence, or the whole thing is precisely in biological clock that animals, birds and insects.
Experts are convinced that their discovery is very significant for science. “Before, no one thought that trees can to have much more in common with us than it seems to us, – continues Eetu Puttonen. – Today it has already been proven that plants are smart and sensitive, moreover, they still have telepathy, which is not given us sinners. Now it has become known for certain that they are also sleeping just like people. Most likely, they see dreams. Maybe they still capable and love, vividly and selflessly, as described in some folk songs? Mankind has yet to find answers to these important questions. ”
Plant time