A photo from open sources
A natural anomaly was discovered under Nizhny Tagil. In the rocky the terrain collapsed for no apparent reason. Off the ground because dense grass pit almost invisible. At first glance, the pit safe: no emissions, and its depth is not more than 2.5 meters, but scientists found that under it there were only two meters of land, further up to 40 meters of emptiness. Discovered a failure with Air Viktor Izhetnikov, formerly a civil aviation pilot. He used to carry cargo on IL-76 to Africa and Somalia, now a profession became a hobby. Viktor Ishetnikov, a resident of Yekaterinburg: “During flight by plane in the area of this landing pad I was seen an abnormal spot, which then turned out to be a pit. “M-12, or “Kasatik”, although produced long ago, but after modernization, the filling in it is no worse than modern Boeing. On-board computer and directed Victor, where exactly on the field to look for an unusual spot: “Here is the landing site, here is the beginning of the strip, the line. Here is the Lower Tagil, here is the Prospector training ground. Pit north of the landing site kilometer and a half. “Failure immediately interested the pilot, moreover, this area is its native land, and the field is personal own. Under it, by the way, is a plate of rocks, therefore it is doubly amazing how a pit could have formed in granite and basalt. Victor Ishetnikov: “We are on a hill, meters 30-40 above the river, which passes below – Shaitanka. Water is here we rode along the road with you, everywhere there is water, there is no water here, it means she’s leaving. “Ural scientists have already investigated the anomaly. Conducted 3D-scanning and magnetic shooting of the place. Rings around a collapse is evidence that there is a void under a layer of earth. Moreover the cavity is not only deep, but also wide – not less than 15 meters. The older sister of the Nizhny Tagil pit is a funnel in the Yamal tundra. With the naked eye, a multimeter section of ice soil is visible, and in deep – frightening blackness. Arkady Ovcharenko, candidate Institute of Geophysics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences formed in different ways, but in principle, processes of the same type are leaching of underlying rocks, the formation of some kind of large cavity. The final failure – sometimes as insignificant as in the Lower Tagile, and sometimes as huge as on the Yamal Peninsula. “Such movements It’s dangerous to ignore the earth, scientists say. So, a similar hole in Polevsky can provoke a dam break The rod pond, and he, in turn, will flood the highway to the Upper Ufaley. Failures in the Urals were rare, now geophysicists are beating in alarm – frequent showers changed the situation. So before to build engineering objects, it is advised to carefully check the soil, so that the structure does not go underground.