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© Tokyo Electric Power Co / Handout | Reuters
Japanese experts from TEPCO, which is a operator of the Fukushima-1 emergency station, unveiled new data on the environmental situation at nuclear power plants. According to the last the results of analyzes of water samples taken from the second power unit stations, the concentration of tritium in water is about 145 times higher the maximum allowable rate and is about 8.7 million becquerels per liter. Water samples were taken last Friday in a tunnel near the turbine compartment of the second Fukushima-1 reactor. The distance from this place to the coastline is no more than 50 meters. Radioactive tritium, albeit in lower concentrations, is already found in seawater taken in close proximity to emergency station. Earlier, TEPCO specialists tested the water at emergency nuclear power plant for the maintenance of other radioactive isotopes. It turned out that the concentration of cesium-134 here exceeds the norm of 150 times, cesium-137 – 200 times. In this case, the most dangerous in this case is that experts can’t establish a reason the rapid increase in radiation over the past six months. Now Japanese experts put forward the idea that water contaminated radiation, could accumulate in the tunnel in March 2011, when an accident occurred at the nuclear power plant, and all this time the concentration remained at the same high level. When in March 2011 the IAEA raised hazard level at the Japanese Fukushima-1 NPP to the highest, seventh level on the INES scale (International Nuclear Events Scale), which before that was only assigned to the Chernobyl accident in 1986, many experts doubted the legality of such assessment. In the end, the emissions at Fukushima were only 10% of Chernobyl, and the scene of the accident quickly managed to localize. Numerous security measures and, most importantly, wide information campaign launched by Japanese authorities at the end finally convinced the world community that the situation is under control. However, further developments show that in long term consequences of the Fukushima accident, liquidation which will take at least forty years, may well be comparable. According to information released by the company TEPCO, which is the operator of the Fukushima nuclear power plant, station continues to be a dangerous source of radiation. As a result measuring the level of radiation in the water inside the tunnel, which is located next to the second power unit and only 50 meters from the coastal lines, the content of radioactive tritium amounted to 8.7 million becquerels per liter, which exceeds the norm by 145 times. According to TEPCO representatives, contaminated water could accumulate in the mine immediately after the accident and still be there. Other words, despite all the efforts of TEPCO and the Japanese government, the radiation level there remained the same. Since mine with radioactive water is in close proximity to the sea coast, many express concerns that water may seep into the soil under the reactor, and then into the ocean. it confirms recent scandal over radioactive storage conditions water that TERSO continues to pump out from the station. International experts stated that the total wall thickness in the tanks for water storage does not exceed 1 centimeter, although it should be in tens times more. For many people, the radiation hazard posed by “Fukushima” is not theoretical, but absolutely real danger – in the first place we are talking about the inhabitants of the Pacific ocean, including the west coast of the United States. Necessary notice that they themselves have already taken action: online there was a petition addressed to the senators of the states located on Pacific coast calling for a detailed study of radioactive situation on the coast and work out a concrete as soon as possible action plan. The petitioners believe that the situation is more than serious. In their opinion, radiation leaks have already provoked mass death of marine animals and birds. In addition, they indicate on the increasing incidence of cancer in western areas of the country. The authors attribute this to a lack of proper food testing practices, especially those derived from Pacific Ocean. If the petition receives the required amount votes and reach the legislative level, it can lead to wide discussion of the problem at the international level. Maybe it and to the best: after all, even Japanese experts on radiation safety consider, that one more blow of elements of “Fukushima” can not to withstand.
Water japan