Trumpet signals from the sky about the approaching end Sveta

Tubular signals from the sky about the approaching end of the worldPhoto from open sources

On Monday, August 28, residents of the city of Astara in the northwest Iran was shocked by the mysterious trumpet sounds coming from the sky. Many devout Iranians immediately felt that it was a trumpeting is an omen of the end of the world.

The source of a mysterious loud noise that suddenly filled the evening city was never identified. By including Below is a video shot by one of the witnesses of this amazing phenomena, you can hear these ominous sounds yourself.

As mentioned above, many residents of Astara tied this blowing with the approaching end of the world. In the holy book of Muslims The Qur’an says that the angel Israfil, who is the messenger of the Terrible court, will blow into a huge pipe, and then the Apocalypse will begin. Like describes the beginning of the end of the world in other Abrahamic religions – for example, in Christianity and Judaism.

Recall that exactly the same inexplicable trumpet sounds heard in recent years in dozens of countries. In this case, scientists do not even take assume, not to mention finding out what caused the data fantastic sound anomalies.

Iran Doomsday

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