Trumpet sounds from the sky are getting more diverse and comprehensive, although their nature remains a riddle

Trumpet sounds from the sky are becoming more diverse and comprehensive, although their nature remains a mystery.A photo from open sources

And although incomprehensible and varied sounds are heard from heaven in many parts of our planet are conventionally called trumpet (so angels must blow, announcing the end of the world), in fact they are by anything, starting from an incomprehensible mechanical grinding and ending with a howl – like some kind of giant monster.

These “trumpet sounds” are also called the forerunners of the Apocalypse – according to for the same reason, because, for example, in the Bible this is exactly humanity must receive a warning before the end of the world.

But what do scientists say in this regard? To be honest, then nothing new: all the same assumptions that this or some unknown electromagnetic waves, or so movements manifest themselves earth plates, and so on. This, they say, happened earlier, about which narrate the earliest chronicles of mankind. However why in lately these eerie sounds from the sky have become so frequent, so anxious and so frightening?

Independent researchers, such as ufologists, are trying explain all this with an alien invasion, they say, so the ships “roar” aliens or aliens use some kind of technology to “rock” and destroy our Earth. But why necessarily destroy, maybe these our brothers of reason flew in to help us, and their efforts are aimed precisely at preventing planetary disaster? ..

We suggest you listen to one of the last (and there are a lot of them in Internet) recordings of such sounds supposedly approaching Apocalypse. You can believe it or not believe it, but by listening to this record, involuntarily shudder. And imagine those who heard everything this is directly above your head (“trumpet sounds” are recorded in Nevada). No wonder that heavenly trumpeting causes such a storm reaction in society and that this topic literally does not go off the news Internet sites.

End of the world

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