Two-headed nailed to the shores of California whale

Two-headed whale nailed to the shores of CaliforniaA photo from open sources A strange creature was thrown out by the waves seas on the coast of California. Most of all he’s like a whale, only two-headed. Experts suggest that these are just two fused whales – Siamese twins.

If so, then this will be the second Siamese find in the world twin whales. The fact is that the only instance of such The humpback whale is kept today at the Kaliningrad Research Institute. It’s fused wonder of nature (small kitten) was discovered back in 1961 year, and for these more than half a century a rare case has never yet repeated.

A photo from open sources

And now, it seems, for scientists a new opportunity to see Siamese twin whales. True, unlike a kitten, this the strange animal is quite large and it looks more like teenage whale. In any case, a rare instance of a marine animal Now extracted from water and studied by specialists. Probably, a two-headed creature’s body will be sent to the nearest research institution.

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