Two-headed sharks are born all more often

Two-headed sharks are born more oftenPhoto from open sources Having heard about two-headed sharks, many of us probably think that we are talking about the characters of some another horror movie. However, such cartilaginous fish actually exist and are more common in nature with every year, causing many scientists to fear.

So, in 2014, off the coast of Florida, fishing nets fell into pregnant gray bull shark, in the uterus of which there was an embryo with two heads. In 2012, an Australian fisherman caught in Indian Ocean two-headed young blue shark. And in 2011 A similar mutant was discovered in the Gulf of California. Specialists studying anomaly data, they say that in blue sharks, embryos with with two heads are much more common, since such fish a large number of cubs are hatched, namely about fifty.

A photo from open sources

Spanish scientists recently managed to get hold of such an embryo in his lab. Specialists took eggs of a black-shark and with surprised to find in one of them a two-headed embryo. It – the first example of such a mutation among oviparous shark species. Researchers watched the fry for some time, then interrupted him by opening an egg.

The Spaniards say that such a chance of survival there are very few deformed animals. Despite this, scientists concerned that such individuals are found more and more often. Not it is possible that with this trend, some two-headed sharks are all they will be able to survive to puberty. You can only guess, such a predator would be so fierce.

Experts suggest that radiation may be to blame. chemicals discharged into the oceans and various infections. Besides Moreover, recently it became known that many species of sharks are observed Today, gene disorders, the cause of which has not yet been identified seems possible.

A photo from open sources

Sharks Fish

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