Two kilometer drilled in West Antarctica well

A two-kilometer well was drilled in West AntarcticaA photo from open sources

Scientists in West Antarctica at Rutford Ice Stream the British expedition in the framework of the BEAMISH project drilled a record for this ice continent, a well with a depth of 2152 meters.

A two-kilometer well in ice was completed in 63 hours, moreover, the thermal drill worked all this period non-stop, since ambient air temperature exceeded minus 30 degrees Celsius, and the well, just 30 centimeters in diameter, could easily freeze even at the slightest suspension of drilling.

According to the official version voiced by the journalists, Based on BEAMISH press release, British scientists drilled well in Antarctica for a more detailed study of melting glaciers in this region of Antarctica and figuring out how slippery there is a sedimentary cover in this place.

A photo from open sources

This was confirmed verbally by Keith Mackinson – an oceanographer Antarctic Directorate of the United Kingdom. Moreover, supposedly for the same purpose, the project participants drilled a little later two wells, not so deep, but allowing them to the middle February to study all the above questions, as they say, “from” and “to.”

There is nothing unusual about all this information if it weren’t for the strange fact that the British BEAMISH project is being implemented in Antarctica has been around for 20 years, and today its participants are almost proudly informed the whole world that they finally managed to break through through the thickness of the ice sheet, since all previous attempts failed.

No wonder Internet users have met this message with surprise: the British spent 20 years on ultimately drill a well to see how fast and how will the ice melt in the Antarctic? It seems to be at least absurd, and therefore believe in the true goals of the BEAMISH project, like the reasons for the current drilling operations, for some reason, hastily performed during severe frosts, difficult.


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