Two ozone holes appeared in the sky above Belarus

Two ozone holes appeared in the sky over BelarusA photo from open sources

At a press conference on Thursday, February 27, leader National Research Center for Monitoring ozonosphere Leonid Turyshev said that in the sky over Belarus two ozone mini-holes formed.

Every year, Belarusian scientists register about ten such holes, but we are not talking about reducing their number yet. “In one year them more, in another – less, but it’s still hard to identify a clear tendency, ” – explained Turyshev.

According to the expert, in the spring the level of ozone in atmosphere increases, in the fall – decreases. Experts talk about the formation of a mini-hole when the level of ozone in the atmosphere falls below the seasonal norm.

As a result of a decrease in the ozone layer, a person can get unsafe dose of ultraviolet radiation, which may affect on his health, provoke cancer.

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