Two stars are approaching the Sun at once and threaten life on earth

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Collision with our luminary is unlikely, but massive comet bombardment is expected. The brilliant guests of Scientists continue to analyze data collected by European Hipparcos research probe back in the 90s of the last century. Namely, information about the movement of about 50 thousand closest to us stars. The findings are disappointing. Earthlings face universal catastrophe. Sooner or later it will happen.

Five years ago, Russian astronomer Vadim Bobylev from Glavnaya (Pulkovo) Observatory (GAO RAS) using data from Hipparcos, reconstructed the orbits of stars surrounding the Earth. And calculated that star Gliese 710 with a probability of 86 percent will fly up very close to the solar system. True, this will not happen soon – through 1.45 million years.

Gliese 710 star with a mass of 0.6 solar, located in the constellation of the Snake, while it is from us in 63 light years. But approaching at a speed of several tens of kilometers in give me a sec.

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Uninvited stars will cause confusion in the solar system.

Recently, Bobylev’s German colleague, Dr. Corin Beiler-Jones (Dr Coryn Bailer-Jones) from the Max Planck Institute of Astronomy Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg, Germany) by a similar job, found a more dangerous guest. From his calculations it followed that the star with the code name Hip 85605 would approach The sun is much earlier than Gliese 710. The probability of this event, which can happen in 250 thousand years, 90 percent.

Hip 85605 is located 9.8 light years from the Sun and slightly less than him.

– You can’t say that one star crashes into another, – astronomers explain. – Such an event is almost impossible. But not at all it is possible that the guest will be in the orbit of Pluto. She will be seen from Earth, if, of course, on our planet by this time will remain observers.

Alas, rapprochement bodes not only a beautiful sight. Gravity the field of a flying star will begin to affect objects in Solar system. And cause a comet bombardment.

Astronomers fear that the Gliese 710 or Hip 85605, crashing into the Oort cloud or even into the closer Kuiper belt – colossal “storage” of trillions of ice blocks located at the borders The solar system will change the trajectories of many now “sleeping” there objects. Or even push them out. As a result, to the Earth and to others planets of the solar system will rush hundreds of comets.

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Oort Cloud and Kuiper Belt, comets from which may push close stars flying up

We have already met

Studies have also shown: the last time is quite close to us. the white dwarf WD 0310–688 (HIP 14754) flew up. It happened 300 thousand years ago. Over the past 2 million years with our world 9 stars came together. And for tens of millions of years there have been many more. Most likely those comets that bombarded the Earth in prehistoric times were directed brilliant visitors.

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Comet bombing is not uncommon in the history of the Earth, like visits by neighboring stars.

Another possibility is not excluded: some flying stars, perhaps had planets. Suddenly among them were inhabited? Yes, and with high developed population, having mastered at least interplanetary flights? Then our – suddenly close – brothers in mind could get to Earth. And such a trip would not have seemed supernatural – interstellar – a flight for which the speeds of light are required.

The possibility of periodic rapprochement of other stars with the Sun fuels the hypothesis of the so-called paleocontact. About visits aliens to the ancient Earth. It is possible that primitive ancestors people have witnessed at least one of them. Two million years back, perhaps, the very “transitional link” that already lived now everyone is looking. And 300 thousand years lived and someone smarter.

There is hardly any chance that the arriving star will be captured by the Sun and placed on it orbit. Over the past millions, or even billions of years, none of guests never stayed with the hostess.

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It is unlikely that the arriving star will linger in the solar system. A it’s a pity.

Life Sun Solar System

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