UK store hires … professional thieves

British store hires ... professional thievesPhoto from open sources

Owners of a clothing store in the United Kingdom opened a strange vacancy, tired of constant thefts. For this they decided to hire experienced thieves who will secretly take out the goods from outlets, and then inform the employer how they succeeded. Such information, according to entrepreneurs, will allow them prevent real theft. The shopkeepers have already despaired of fight against theft, and this is their last hope.

The work is paid very well. Professional thief per hour you will receive £ 50, and in addition, he will be allowed monthly keep yourself three things that will be able to steal completely unnoticed. Of course, in this case, the person will want to steal the most expensive clothes, but the catch is that it is protected much better. Businessmen hope such excitement allow their “unusual employees” to maximize ingenuity and find all available ways to accomplish theft – the most unusual and unique. That’s the whole purpose of the idea, which, according to her inventors, will pay off handsomely.

Hard to believe, but in the “civilized” West, according to statistics, much more are stolen in stores than in outlets, say, countries of the East, including Russia. According to the owners of the described boutique, for five years now they literally suffer from the activities of such thieves who bring the store huge losses compared with which salary hired professionals are just a trifle. Especially large losses the company bears during the winter holidays season, which is just is approaching. Closer to Christmas and New Year when the outlet packed to capacity with buyers, even the ubiquitous ones do not help surveillance cameras. Not to mention the holiness of the bright holiday Christmas, which, in theory, should make people cleaner and immaculate …

However, do not naively believe that the work of “professional shoplifter “will suit anyone, and anyone can easily handle it. Should such an “employee” get caught in a fictitious theft, and his services will be immediately abandoned. A fake thief will need Show unprecedented ingenuity and professional skills, to take out goods from a store with a modern system security, several guards and vigilant sellers. Perhaps some Harry Houdini would have achieved such positions of unprecedented heights, but certainly not an ordinary person, who decided to earn extra money on this. Still, the management of the store hopes that such professionals will certainly be found, and they help the company cope with this disaster.

Who knows, maybe a real thief is easier and more pleasant steal than honestly serve for money? Is it because they exist kleptomaniacs, even among very wealthy people who steal in shops not for the sake of things themselves, but for pleasure, for the sake of process. And such a disease is just a product of “civilized” West, and not the “wild” East …


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