Undeclared war

Undeclared warPhoto from open sources In the Khabarovsk Territory, bears began to attack people, as a result of which one person (a resident of the village of Krasno) died. Some analysts attribute such cases to this the beginning of salmon spawning.

Hungry animals often go to housing to get food and even attack people, with the result that now in the region established state of emergency. However bears become a threat to humans not only in the Far East, for example, just recently Pravda.Ru published a note on how hungry the beast in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (Egarka Reserve) climbed into the tent, where a woman was resting with a child, and crippled them. Bear here attracted the smell of food. And there are more and more such cases.

Scientists sound the alarm because lately predators are all more often began to attack people. This also applies to Amur tigers, which previously didn’t even come close to human habitation, and aggressive sharks from which vacationers at sea constantly suffer. For example, these terrible predators appeared even off the coast of Japan. the sea, although no one had seen them there before.

Authors of the new documentary project “Undeclared War” trying to figure out the reasons that make a person and the surrounding nature is hostile to each other. Man himself without noticing, crowds out predators from their habitats, provokes animals on extreme livelihoods – attacks on people. To a large extent, scientists say, they contribute to global climate change we today watching.

Is there a way out of this situation and what should be done man with honor to get out of this undeclared war?

War Bears

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