Under the rule of artificial intelligence

Where is humanity going? What awaits us ahead? These questions always worried people. Most modern futurologists watch for the future with optimism. According to their forecasts, in the very near future time we expect material abundance and personal immortality…

A photo from open sources

In the predictions of futurologists, the universal computerization. In the near future, computers will take over almost the entire life of people, including cooking, observation for health, driving vehicles, conducting financial operations, training, entertainment and more. Offensive “computer paradise” among different forecasters do not differ too much much. Most agree that in countries “golden billion” it will come from around 2030.

It is also predicted that after 40 years due to progress in nanotechnology will cure all diseases. Famous American futurologist Raymond Kurzweil said that by 2035 doctors will begin to grow new organs in the human body instead spent, and also to repair “junk” organs and tissues. Repair will be carried out using microscopic nanorobots, embedded in the circulatory system. They will be on their own move through the arteries and capillaries and cleanse the body of cancer cells, germs and cholesterol deposits.

All computerized processes on the planet, including domestic ones, eventually come together. The whole “economy” of the human civilizations, including the people themselves, who will be implanted in the brain electronic microchips will ultimately be controlled and controlled by a single supercomputer with super-powerful artificial intelligence.

A photo from open sources

In particular, this supercomputer will track the health of all people on the planet. Each inhabitant of the Earth will periodically pass medical examination, according to which a supercomputer will determine what kind of operation is required for this particular to man. The operations will be easy and painless, carry them out all the same nanorobots will be.

Kurzweil believes that the gradual transformation of the Earth into The supercomputer will begin in the middle of the 21st century.

Immortals are already born

Some futurologists believe that spent organs the human body will not be grown, but changed to artificial.

Already, reports from the leading laboratories of the world about encouraging attempts to create electronic eyes, nose, ear. what as for the brain, then as it ages, the human head will implant miniature computer devices. Together, they make up an artificial brain that has intelligence identical to the intellect of a given person, with full preservation of his memory. This an implanted computer will become a new brain. It is true debug the decryption system of signals coming to him from others artificial organs, but an implanted computer can easily cope with this task.

It will end up being a whole man made up of artificial organs. It will become something like an android. It will happen, by forecasts by the end of the 21st century.

Future technologies will allow not only to suspend, but also completely nullify aging, in other words, make people immortal. Live 30–40 years before the era when artificial internal organs and healing nanorobots will appear, quite capable of many of the living people. That is, now people were born who in the long run will become immortal. And through For 40 years, most of humanity will become immortal.

Everything will be made of mud

Futurologists’ forecasts are based on the calculation of acceleration rates world scientific and technological progress. Is Moore’s Law, or Law doubling which states that the speed of computer processors doubles every 18 months. If this law will be act for several decades, then computers will appear, according to processing power far superior to human brain.

In 2007, the world’s first quantum was demonstrated in the United States a computer. Experts are sure that in the near future he will make a coup in technology. Quantum computer, unlike current silicon, based on a fundamentally different principle. Distance between quantum and silicon computers – how between a laptop and accounting accounts. This is due to the fact that the photon is a carrier information in a quantum computer is both a particle and wave. Many computer technology experts claim that by 2035 a quantum computer will be able to process more data streams than particles in space. Quantum Computer – direct road to the creation of artificial intelligence. And not too long.

Other forecasts include the appearance in 2040 technologies for the production of molecular copies of any substances and items. Of everything, even from street dirt, they will do (using computers, of course) food, cars, houses, clothes, artificial human organs, gold, diamonds, the same Computers Agriculture and industry will lose their meaning. A person will be engaged in science, art and entertainment.

Nanotechnology will make people smarter, futurists say. So, each of us after a simple procedure for cleansing the capillaries of the brain in a few hours will be able to write a whole novel.

A photo from open sources

Modern sex is “out of date.” After all, if you look, it’s not mechanical manipulations that give us pleasure, but signals, affecting certain areas of the cerebral cortex. Already in 25-30 years, a person will be able to receive sexual pleasure with directed influence on these areas of the same nanorobots. The impact will be made at the request of the person at any time, and at the same time quite visible in his brain will begin to be born and almost physically tangible erotic pictures that will make the pleasure of such “artificial” sex is many times sharper, than from the usual. The presence of a partner in this case, of course, not necessary. As for the children, they will be “conceived” in test tubes.

In 2050, mass freezing of those who want to go to the distant future in a cryogenic dream controlled by a computer. For the frozen, such a journey through time will last a few moments.

Universal chipization of the population

Kurzweil and other “tech futurists” paint us a paradise on Earth. Meanwhile, you can look at the future from a different angle. view.

As already mentioned, to connect a person with a supercomputer in the brain of each inhabitant of the Earth will be implanted with a special microchip, equipped with a miniature transmitter. Thereby microchip global supercomputer will be able to read directly from the brain any information, down to thoughts person. In other words, the actions of all people living on Earth continuous tracking will be carried out. And not only tracking, but also controlling by sending the right ones to the brain signals.

Of course, at first people will get some benefits. Here and health control (early detection of diseases stages), and a sharp acceleration of the learning process, and suppression in the germ of crime and terrorist attacks, and control over finances, spending, acquisitions and other things.

However, the total control of the supercomputer over people is fraught with many dangers. Artificial intelligence, like natural, human, capable of self-improvement, that is, with some of the moment, people may lose control of it. He will become much smarter than people, which means it’s not only freed from their guardianship, but also seize power over them. Most likely, people themselves will give it to him. into “hands” for the sake of their comfort, health and well-being. How is he he will dispose of this power – we can only guess. Not excluded that he will create on Earth such a social system in which zombie people will deal exclusively with him service.

Main trap

Another, even greater, danger lies in the “alien” factor, which most futurologists for some reason do not accept in payment.

The aliens have long and closely watched what is happening on The earth. There is good evidence that governments leading countries of the world maintain regular contacts with cosmits. IN early 2009, the English magazine “Accountants” published an article Ufologist Richard Lynehama about alien relations with US authorities. According to his information, it was from the aliens in the twentieth century that Americans got some of their breakthrough technologies, in particular Computers The aliens provided crucial assistance in the implementation of “lunar program.” All this makes us think that our progress civilization “pushed”, and in the direction our “brothers in mind.”

Computerization, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology – everything these are links of one plan, aimed at ensuring that people themselves drove yourself under the control of an alien mind. A global supercomputer, what Kurzweil and other futurologists are talking about is apparently the main trap prepared for earthlings.

When a supercomputer is created and humanity is chasing after comfort and immortality, voluntarily surrender to his care, cosmites will introduce their own program into it. Then with the development of earthly civilization will be over.

Judging by some signs that are already observed today (bleeding livestock, kidnapping, etc.), we can talk about that the Earth will turn into a kind of production farm necessary for aliens genetic material.

Computer or soul?

The aliens are playing on the inherent animal fear of death, striving for personal immortality. This fear leads the earth civilization is at an impasse.

Running a global supercomputer controlled by alien mind, devoid of any morality, people will inevitably turn into zombies. Perhaps in immortal zombies. A most likely in artificially propagated zombies intended for pumping out blood plasma and sadistic experiments on mutant production.

People’s stubborn pursuit of immortality through technological progress obscures from them the understanding that they are already are immortal. Immortal without the help of computers and nanotechnology. Humans possess what aliens are likely to be deprived of – immortal soul.

Of course, the study of man goes in this direction, but here too much incomprehensible, unknown, not obeying logic and scientific laws. Studying the spiritual basis of man is much lags behind rapidly developing progress in the field computerization, nanotechnology, etc.

Recently, among ufologists and specialists in abnormal phenomena, there is a growing understanding that work on the study of telekinesis, telepathy, hypnosis, getting out of the body and other supernormal abilities of the human body are deliberately inhibited. Someone really not wants an inquisitive human thought to invade an area which promise people much more than all nanotechnologies and computers combined. Most likely, obstacles pose aliens. For them, of course, it is better that people are zombie herd grazed under the supervision of artificial intelligence than mastered their spiritual essence and becoming truly immortal and free, broke out in their “thin” bodies in space and in parallel worlds.

I hope that at the very last moment, when on Earth general chipization and transfer of the population under control will begin supercomputer, people will think, be horrified and say no own zombies. And that quantum superbrain and those behind aliens will receive a decisive rebuff with his “back”.

Time Health Artificial Intelligence Nanotechnology USA

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