Underwater Nuclear Surprise for America

Underwater Nuclear Surprise for AmericaA photo from open sources

With the interception of combat duty of submarine missile carriers Borey Russia will change the strategic balance of power with the United States in its favor. Arms Race in the Field of Nuclear Deterrence entered the competition in the fifth technological mode. The main Powers in this global game – Russia and the USA – are developing and try all new warhead delivery vehicles to the target, create layered missile defense system. Over the years of chaos of the 90s, Moscow lost advantage of the marine component of the triad – out of 12 strategic by the year 2000 only four were left in service, two of which have already exhausted their resources, the rest did not satisfy new requirements in terms of noise and location visibility. Parity on the nuclear triad was violated towards America. However, with the exit on combat duty of the first submarines of project 955 Borey from 16 ballistic missiles “Bulava”, and in the future upgraded ships of projects 955A / U with 20 missiles we do not only restored the balance of power, but also received additional strategic benefits for guaranteed nuclear delivery blocks to anywhere in the world. After adopting “Yuri Dolgoruky “in December 2013, deputy commander of the Strategic US Command (USSTRATCOM) General Robert Forst acknowledged that Russian boats of the 955th project pose the greatest threat US security. Let’s see what scared American military and what is the menacing effectiveness of our new missile carriers. The effectiveness of nuclear deterrence forces (SNF) depends first of all, from two fundamental factors – its secrecy deployment and missile defense capabilities the enemy. That is, simply put, if the place of deployment of the rocket known in advance to a likely adversary (e.g., perfectly visible from the satellite of the mine), then it will not be difficult to destroy it before she will have time to prepare for the start and shoot. Therefore, given speeds of modern anti-missiles (up to 3 Machs), mine missiles basing effective enough can not be called. “Air” part of the nuclear triad – strategic bombers – also far from ideal for the same reason – they are easy enough to detect space and radar means, and speed at times lower than rockets. God forbid, if the plane has time to fly 10 minutes – in the end, it will be destroyed, and the ammunition will detonate over the “home” territory, causing radiation damage to the “sender” itself. But marine component of the nuclear triad – submarines with ICBMs on board – has a much greater chance of imperceptibly getting close to the target on close distance and hide your location before the launch of the rockets. The fact is that radar, which today reaches accuracy to meters, it does not work under water – radio waves in a dense aquatic environment do not able to spread. Locate objects even large ones like a nuclear submarine, under water you can only by echolocation, that is, they can only be heard, in direct sense of the word. Range limit of modern echolocation – 230 km (for the most modern ships). That is, theoretically, a boat can quietly get under the opponent’s very underbelly, for example, in West Atlantic, hiding at a distance of 500 kilometers from The east coast of the usa and firing all 20 rockets off the face land at least 2/3 of America. Unless, of course, this rocket “knows how” to deceive missile defense – maneuver, throw away false targets, to put radio interference, etc. That is why back in the USSR, and now in Russia, made a bet on a strategic submarine fleet. So Thus, the SSBN has only two tasks – to quietly go into the area firing and rockets, and, accordingly, the main characteristics of it – noiselessness and range of “hearing” (echolocation) to capture the target. And here we got to unraveling why the Americans are so afraid of our Boreev. On both the characteristics of our new boats have gone far ahead of the USA – in terms of noise reached the 5th generation, which in the United States is still only in “paper” stage of creation, and by detection range reached an indicator of 320 km (the ceiling of American boats “Ohio” and Virginia – 230 km). The problem is that branched US global marine monitoring system includes radars and locators located at a distance of 500 km from each other, i.e. the probability of detecting nuclear submarines is 85% (due to radiation from the reactor), diesel-electric – about 60%. Considering that besides this system there are numerous the American fleet, almost staggered scattered in water area of ​​the entire oceans, the chances of an ordinary submarine to get close to the American shores unnoticed are very small. A “Northwind” as times can do this with a probability close to 100%, enough not approach enemy targets closer than 500 km – nobody will notice her, but she will just “hear” everyone so that don’t get caught. Project 955 missile carriers are five times smaller noisy than boats of projects 971 “Pike-B” and 949A “Antei”, and in two times less than promising American 4th generation Virginia. The movement is carried out using single-jet high-speed propulsion system propulsive characteristics that no one can achieve one submarine in the world. Northwind has two reclining thrusters and retractable bow horizontal rudders with flaps. And now about the most important site of the SSBN – sonar weapons. MGK-600B is installed there “Irtysh-Amphora-B-055” is a single integrated an automated digital HAC, combining in itself like a HAC in pure understanding (noise direction finding, echo direction finding, classification targets, detection of GA signals, GA communication), that’s all sonar stations of “small acoustics” (measurement of ice thickness, sound velocity measurement, mine detection, search for wormwood and streaks, detection of torpedoes). By range (320 km) this complex superior to the US Navy submarine hull type “Virginia” (230 km). The number of simultaneously accompanied sonar targets – not less than 30. The complex is equipped with a conformal large-sized main Amphora antenna and digital signal processing using digital libraries of automatic target classification system Ajax-M. Large conformal side antennas. Towable HAS antenna in the fairing of the vertical tail of the submarine. Survivability of new boats also increased by an order of magnitude: project submarines are equipped rescue system – a pop-up rescue camera designed for the whole crew. It is located in the housing behind the launchers. SLBM installations. Photos from open sources. There are also liferaft rafts. KSU-600N-4 in the amount of 5 pieces. Double hull boat scheme. The robust case is divided into eight compartments. 1st compartment is a torpedo. It also has a hardware fence sonar complex, nasal trim tank and the nose group of the battery. In the 2nd compartment is located central post, residential and medical premises, part electronic weapons of general ship systems such as pumping equipment, hydraulic system, air conditioners, electrical converters and battery. 3rd compartment accommodates part of combat posts, auxiliary equipment (refrigerators, diesel generators, refrigerators, various pumps and high pressure air system components), part of REV hardware equipment, as well as mines and foundations lifting mast devices. 4th and 5th – rocket compartments. Lasting the case in their area has a maximum diameter. 6th compartment allotted under the steam generating installation, as well as its auxiliary and pump equipment. Then follow the 7th turbine compartment, 8th compartment with accessories and tiller compartment with hydraulic drives of stern rudders. In the overboard the space of the housing is the tank of the main ballast and missile replacement tanks. Instead of a lot of scuppers permeable add-ons characteristic of previous Soviet projects RPKSN, used only two extended slotted scuppers. Lasting the body is made of steel with a yield strength of 100 kgf / sq. mm (thickness up to 48 mm, processing on FUJICAR presses), which also serves silent boat. The assembly of the body is performed by the block method: submarine equipment is installed inside the housing on shock absorbers and in depreciation blocks, which are part of the general structural two-stage depreciation systems (each unit is isolated from cases with rubber-cord pneumatic shock absorbers). Nasal the end of the wheelhouse guard is tilted forward in order to flow improvements. The case is covered with rubber hydro-acoustic coating. Working depth “Borea” is 380 m, and the limit – 450 m. Autonomy – 90 days. The ship’s main power plant includes power equipment with steam generating unit (PPU) OK-650V with a thermal capacity of 190 MW and block steam turbine installation (PTU) “Azurit-90”. The latter includes the main turbo gear unit with a single-flow steam turbine and with effective system of moisture removal from the flowing part, shunting device with control unit, planetary two-stage gearbox, autonomous turbine generators, integrated steam ejection chillers, rowing motor, vibration isolating coupling, main thrust bearing, automatic system regulation of shaft speed and fresh steam pressure, auxiliary centrifugal pumps and other equipment. Power PTU on the shaft is 43,000 hp, the total power of the autonomous turbo generator 7000 hp Due to this, the maximum underwater speed of about 29 knots and surface speed of 15 knots. Part auxiliary power unit includes backup propulsion complex with thrusters in folding columns with PG-160 submersible two-speed rowing electric motors 410 hp An auxiliary boat is installed on board the boat. ADG-1000 diesel generator with a capacity of 1000 hp, based on diesel 8DM-21S. Borey carries on board 16 intercontinental ballistic missiles of the D-30 / 3K30 Bulava complex with missiles P-30 / SS-NX-30 developed by the Moscow Institute of Heat Engineering. Ship combat launch complex (KBSK) development GRTS them. Makeeva (city of Miass). On SSBN pr. 955U there will already be 20 launch mines. They have unrivaled maneuvering properties – withstand overloads up to 30 units. Each rocket carries ten individually guided nuclear warheads. And she throws up to 20 false targets to defraud missile defense (American Trident II – only eight). Lifting mast devices include: commander periscope “Swan-21”, RLK MRKP-59 “Radian-U”, system satellite communications “Synthesis”. Self-defense project 955 equipped with eight torpedo tubes. On project 09550 four TA 533 mm caliber and four 650 mm caliber placed in the bow housing over the main antenna of the sonar complex. Part torpedo missiles include multi-purpose electric torpedoes UGST, USET-80, etc., RKB-55 rocket “Granat” or “Turquoise”, missiles PLRK “Waterfall”. Ammunition – up to 40 units. Facilities counteraction to torpedo weapons and hydroacoustic means include the “Barrier” complex with six 533 mm non-penetrating launchers in superstructure of the bow. By the way, Northwind is the first in world-class submarine driven by a fully integrated digital system with 25 levels of protection. Management of all ship systems and equipment carried out by automated combat control system (ASBU) “District-55”. IN it integrates all levels of weapons systems, energy installations, ascent-immersion systems, life support, etc. This factor reduces the risks of the “human factor” – the ship itself is simply will not allow the crew to make a mistake. Note that Americans are not only afraid of the emergence of a new underwater project high efficiency, as well as the fact of their high development speed and production – they just do not have time to create a response defeat. The lead ship – “Yuri Dolgoruky” – has already entered the composition of the Northern Fleet, the second – “Alexander Nevsky” – enrolled in the composition of the Pacific Fleet, the third – “Vladimir Monomakh” – takes place state tests, the fourth – “Prince Vladimir” – is under construction. In 2011, announced the construction plan of eight ships by 2018. In 2012, the plan has changed and now includes construction of ten ships by 2020. When is this whole program will be fulfilled, Russia will get such an obvious strategic advantage in nuclear deterrence, even in the days of the USSR �The US is not used to the fact that Americans will simply not be laughing. Expert.Ru Sergey Tikhonov

Water Rocket Russia USSR USA

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