Unhealthy asbestos continues to massively use

Health asbestos continues to be massively usedA photo from open sources

Despite the fact that in the civilized world, asbestos has long been recognized as poisonous material (for example, it has been banned in the EU since 2005 years), developing countries with up to 80 percent Earth’s population, continue to massively use this mineral, making a lot of construction and household products from it, since it’s convenient and cheap, albeit unhealthy …

Asbestos turned out to be the “fantastic” material that people were waiting – a real ingenious find of their time, an invention claiming the Nobel Prize (well, what else not awarded to anyone). It was simple to mine and make from him all sorts of things, starting from building structures and ending with household appliances. And once that was understood and accepted, the world began to mass poison its carcinogenic fibers.

A photo from open sources

Find of the Century – Asbestos

By asbestos you need to understand a whole group of fine-fiber minerals, the largest deposit of which was first discovered in Canada. The most hazardous to health of them are crocidolite and amosite, the fine fibers of which can remain in the human body are very for a long time, destroying it, most often leading to cancer lungs.

A photo from open sources

There is a lot of asbestos in nature, and since it’s easy to process, and such undeniable positive qualities of this mineral, such as lightness, relative strength, resistance to chemical influences, fire, excellent dielectric properties – all this allowed this unique literally in a matter of years to captivate the whole world. Scientists to Unfortunately, it was not immediately determined that its fibers are carcinogenic. True, by the time it was still discovered (or promulgated because asbestos mining and production tens of thousands of products carried huge profits to the powerful of this world), from many people have already suffered a terrible mineral.

Amazing Asbestos Products

A photo from open sources

It is vain to think that asbestos was widely used only in construction (slate roofs, for example, interior partitions and so on), even kitchen towels were made from it, which are not just wiped, and also supposedly polished dishes, cigarette filters (absolutely “harmless”, as the manufacturers assured), fireproof shoes, work clothes and more.

A photo from open sources

Although facing asbestos wall tiles in preschool nurseries institutions and schools, which was used everywhere in the XX century, is already a great crime of the century, as many children suffered from this and subsequently died of cancer.

A photo from open sources

Asbestos is prohibited, but still in demand

As we said, the western world has abandoned asbestos yet thirteen years ago, although the harm that was done to the world by this mineral, even in Western Europe will have to feel for a long time, not to mention the fact that it’s still being discovered there, here in completely modern products, for example, in cars Great Wall (manufacturers of the civilized world, as well as third world countries, do not care about people’s health).

A photo from open sources

But in developing countries, asbestos generally continues to be widespread. and openly used, especially in housing, and in India, for example, in the steel industry is still used asbestos clothing and shoes.

A photo from open sources

But what about Russia? “We still have more than 3 thousand (think only in this figure!) types of products are produced from chrysotile asbestos, the Russian Federation has not passed a law banning the use of this deadly mineral for human health …

Health Time

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