Unique case: in the USA a two-year-old girl cured of HIV

A photo from open sources

Mississippi U.S. records unique case the full recovery of a child born with the immunodeficiency virus the person causing the disease – HIV infection, last stage which is known as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). According to the publication, we are talking about a girl aged 2.5 years who have recovered thanks to aggressive treatment drugs immediately after her birth. “This is a highly active antiretroviral therapy consisting of simultaneous administration three to four potent drugs. By recommendation World Health Organization (WHO), it does not apply with the first days of the patient’s life, since it is not always possible to immediately put the correct diagnosis of HIV, ITAR-TASS notes. Probability of accurate the diagnosis, noted in the WHO, is from 15% to 45%. Usually, such therapy begins to be used only after all necessary tests in four to six weeks. “Thanks to this unusual the occasion may change the whole system of care for hundreds of thousands of children, born with HIV. If further research confirm the effectiveness of such a treatment regimen, then it can get widespread, “notes the Wall Street Journal. First a cure for HIV infection, the publication recalled, was recorded in 2007 in Berlin when infected with a virus the man was cured by bone marrow transplantation. According to the newspaper, doctors became aware of the girl’s cure after the examination showed that in the body the child left no evidence of HIV infection. “It’s just unbelievable. The child underwent a course of aggressive therapy, and then stopped it and fully recovered. After the termination of the course, as a rule, patients die within a few weeks, “said the host Case Study Specialist Deborah Perso of the John Center Hopkins in Baltimore (Maryland). However, she added that it’s too early to talk about a new way to treat AIDS as this is still an isolated case.

US viruses

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