Unusual economy class housing appeared on the South Ural

Unusual economy class housing appeared in the South UralsA photo from open sources

The main feature of such buildings is their environmental friendliness, because only natural materials. Instead of the usual concrete walls, the frame is installed straw briquettes, plaster the walls with clay, windows, doors and floor – from wood, the roof is made of reed. Already grown in rural areas several dozen of these huts, and if previously they were erected exclusively enthusiastic enthusiasts, today construction eco-houses is becoming a kind of business. Moreover, the demand for They are growing every year. – The main reason for our move from panel high-rise buildings – ecological cleanliness of a new home, – says the owner of a thatched house in the village of Krasnoye Pole Vyacheslav Weigandt. – We have three children in our family, and everyone has a severe allergy. IN building materials abound in ordinary housing chemicals that negatively affect the well-being of people. we we want to live in a clean and healthy house, and therefore made such a decision. Attracts potential buyers and that eco-house projects are individual: this is not a panel series for you, made like a carbon copy. There are no hard frames by location rooms, moreover, there are even round, oval and abstract houses. Therefore, the option of such housing is often chosen lovers of free planning and non-banal solutions. According to builders, the rounded shape makes the already warm straw the houses are even more comfortable for living, because you can avoid occurrence of the so-called cold angles. – Special thermal characteristics are the hobby of such rooms, – explains the builder of thatched houses in the South Urals Mikhail Sobakin. – To create the same heat circuit in a similar building from brick, it will take six times more investments, from a tree – four times. Straw has low thermal conductivity, made from it walls save heat inside the house, therefore, energy consumption small. It is used in construction mainly rye straw, there is no shortage of it in the South Ural fields and at the same time not suitable for animal feed. It is also important that from this straw rodents that often become tenants straw huts. Preparations for eco-houses are produced at the most conventional bale machines, which are found in almost every farm the farm. By the way, they invented such machines specifically for production natural building material, but subsequently began to be used for convenience of transporting straw. One 20 kg bale pressed rye straw costs only 50 rubles on the market. I.e the cost of purchasing the main building material is negligible, therefore, an “entrance ticket” for entrepreneurs to this market costs almost nothing, the main thing is to know the technology construction. With an amateurish approach, the walls of the eco-house can mate and turn over time into one large fertile bed. Risk move away from technology and as a result return money to the customer is very great. The most expensive part of the project is payment requiring special qualifications of manual labor. Most time consuming process plastering straw briquettes, because sometimes the thickness of clay The casing exceeds 10 centimeters. But still profitability business is unenviable, because, despite the environmental subtext, thatched houses in the premium housing category take it. Nif-Nif tarnished their reputation from a tale of three piglets, builders of eco-houses joke. The average cost of straw a square reaches 11 thousand rubles, however, the selling price is almost two times higher. 80 square meters eco-house will cost the buyer is more expensive than 1.5 million rubles. Mostly the height of buildings does not exceed two floors, but it is possible to build three- and four-story at home. In the future, it is planned to open in the resort area of ​​the South Urals special platform where various models will be presented thatched houses, and develop ecotourism on it. Here you can place buildings from other alternative building materials, e.g. adobe, turf, wood concrete (wood shavings with cement). A while it comes to creating a regional association of builders thatched houses, which will enter as small commercial organizations and self-taught lovers. According to entrepreneurs, thatched buildings will never go into series, because for Most Chelyabinsk developers are non-core and low-profit business, requiring significant labor costs. But this does not mean that the direction is unpromising. special opinion Andrei Murdid, Honorary Builder of Russia: – I think this is not the same the way to go. Any supporting structure must meet certain requirements, guarantee durability, sustainability and fire safety. If applicable hinged facade, first conduct its fire tests on special training grounds – at a temperature of 800-1200 degrees Celsius. The enclosing structure must at least two hours such maintain temperature. I am sure that the straw will not pass the test. If, Of course, we are not talking about the use of special impregnations, but then it’s not worth talking about environmental friendliness. Generally, a straw hut can be done, but nothing more, everything else is unsafe. IN I would not want to live in such a house.

Arina Mironenkova (Chelyabinsk region)


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