Unusual font designed to allow better remember read information

An unusual font has been developed that allows you to better remember the information you read.A photo from open sources

You can’t remember the complicated text necessary for work. or study? Specialists from the University of Melbourne have developed Sans Forgetica special font (from English “to forget” – “forget”). Contrary to the name, it does not force a person to do anything forget, but on the contrary, allows you to better memorize and absorb information. Australian experts in typography and behavioral science worked on such an unusual project more three years.

How is Sans Forgetica different from other fonts? All trick lies in the fact that his letters are devoid of some elements that forces the brain to carefully read the text and, as a result, memorize it with much higher efficiency. For achievement a similar effect, you can open a book, take a ruler and block it top or bottom of each line. Working in this case in enhanced mode, your brain will better process information.

A photo from open sources

Professor Joe Periman, one of the authors of this project, explains that when the letters look too familiar, a person has the ability to run through the text with his eyes, reading poorly at written. Surely many of us have read at least once, realizing later that they didn’t remember anything at all. If if you start using the Sans Forgetica font, then from now on will have to seriously read into any test, and your brain – digest read well enough.

An experiment involving hundreds of volunteers revealed that Sans Forgetica actually allows a person to remember better read information. Australian scientists initially tried make the font more difficult to understand, but in this case read speed was significantly reduced. Now, if you believe to researchers, Sans Forgetica has a perfect look when in letters enough spaces added for best retention data in memory.


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