US Army generates death rays

A photo from open sources

In the era of drones, invisible planes and microwave guns, it would seem that no innovation from the armed forces could to surprise anyone. But now the US Army decided to subjugate the elements and call for lightning. Research complex in New Jersey continues testing laser-induced Plasma Channel (LIPC), simply put, a gun that is capable of shoot lightning. “We tirelessly let and let lightnings in our experimental goals “, – the head shares observations research team George Fisher. The charge is created by a laser pulse that charges air and forms a flash of extremely destructive power. “The length of time in during which the laser gives out an impulse, incredibly tiny, but the power of this impulse is amazingly huge, “says Fisher.” an impulse, of course, is needed, more energy than lighting metropolis, but it lasts only two to trillion seconds. “Laser is not only a source of energy, but also a sight mechanism. Lightning travels the path of least resistance, and the laser forms a plasma channel. This means that such a beam is very easy to retarget. But taming scientists to lightning was enough not so easy. “One inaccurate calculation and the laser will be destroyed,” – tells George Fisher. Now that the beam began to work like that scientists sought, the time has come for the military – they are thinking about the use of lightning, also called Tesla’s rays, in combat purposes. Theoretically, such artificial lightning any goal – an SUV or an airplane – will have a colossal destructive effect. Expressed in an unscientific language – will be destroyed all around. The installation should be on the ground, and the material from which it will be made must be high conductivity. Also, it can already be said that shooting from this gun the Pentagon will be very expensive. However, while the US Army is not ordered no such destructive devices yet, and, perhaps it will remain a scientific development. Barely in society started talking about creating lightning weapons, many dubbed it the heritage of Nikola Tesla, because it reminded connoisseurs of the so-called Tesla coil. This invention is capable of produce high-frequency rays like lightning, and its often demonstrate to students in physics lessons, also often used as a kind of attraction to show children that science can be entertaining.

Time Lasers Nikola Tesla Airplanes USA

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