A photo from open sources Today another end of the world is possible – in this time the American astrophysicist acted as a predictor Albert Shervinsky. The scientist predicted that the Earth will die on June 1 from interstellar acid cloud. Estimated End Message light appeared on September 12, 2005 on Weekly World News. According to Shervinsky, the Chandra X-ray telescope discovered ejected by a black hole in the center of the Galaxy “acid cloud” 10 million miles in size. The cloud is supposedly approaching Earth with speed close to light. Shervinsky believes that destroyed there will be not only our planet, but in general the entire solar system. The sensational discovery was immediately refuted. Authoritative astronomers say no telescope can detect an object of 10 million miles at a distance of one light year, in addition, there are no such clouds near the Sun. Some people nevertheless, patiently await the end of the world.
Doomsday USA Telescope