US Coast Guard caught a turtle with 800 kg cocaine

US Coast Guard caught a turtle with 800 kg of cocaineA photo from open sources

Sea turtle entangled in twine to which were fastened bales of cocaine, involuntarily became a drug carrier, but watchful coast guard caught an unfortunate animal along with 800 kilograms of her deadly cargo.

First of all, the guards freed the turtle from the ropes (see video), thereby saving her from imminent death. As you can see, cocaine brings unhappiness and death not only a drug addict, but also completely outsiders of our planet. Turtle, of course, right there released into the wild, and the happy animal went on a sea voyage already without a drug load.

Currently, special services are figuring out where she could come from. such an expensive package, because the cost of cocaine in it is estimated at 53 million dollars and why she was thrown or lost in The pacific ocean. In any case, the animal was not injured, having paid with his rescuers quite generously. The turtle turned out to be millionaire, coastguards laugh, it’s just a pity millions donated by her cannot be realized and even formalized as a treasure accidentally found …

This solid batch of drugs was discovered back in November. this year during a large-scale international operation Operation Martillo (“Hammer”), however video footage of how guards save an unfortunate animal, posted on the Internet only now – there were serious reasons for this related to laws United States of America on drug smuggling.


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