US created typhoon Haiyan using weather change technology, claims the Canadian edition

A photo from open sources

For this, two stationary military radars and one were used. sea ​​based.

U.S. Armed Forces X-Band Radar ( SBX- 1) was ordered to go to sea from his pier in Hawaii 2 3 March 2013, writes And the US Department of Defense (DoD) claims these are routine marine trials. However in in light of recent events in the Philippines – typhoon Haiyan – microwave data from the destroyed region suggests that SBX-1 was ordered to deploy by the US government (Barack Obama) in the Pacific in addition to other American military means in a phased-controlled radar system antenna array (HAARP) in Japan to wage war against Philippines using HAARP’s weather modification capabilities. SBX-1 was deployed for geopolitical purposes. If American military use guided weapons of mass destruction then this act of war. Active Antenna with Electronic Scanning SBX -1 radar (AESA) mounted on a Russian-built dual the fifth generation housing of the CS-50 semi-submersible drilling rig, designed for work in various types in adverse conditions, and are often found in maritime operations.

The SBX-1 was built for one purpose – modification the weather. This goal was openly stated in the US Air Force Weather Report as a force multiplier: Possession of the weather until 2025 “(link leads to PDF file on the US Air Force website). HAARP offshore platform SBX-1 is compliant with the U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff Directive, which means creating a concept for changing weather, opportunities and technologies that the United States can use to to remain the dominant force in the air and space space in the future. Introduced June 17, 1996, this The report was prepared by the Ministry of Defense for promotion weapons and means of changing weather related to national defense and geopolitical goals. Weather weapon system the US mass destruction called HAARP, and was fully tested, starting with Hurricane Katrina, 30 years ahead of schedule. U.S. Managed X-Band Ground Radar (COBRA DANE phased radar system) already built in northern Japan armed forces of the United States and is in operation with 2006, and the second COBRA DANE installation in central Japan started working shortly before super typhoon Haiyan – the strongest storms in history in the Pacific. So at sea was formed and aimed at the philippines beam using HAARP AMISR, phased radar triangulation. Advanced microwave Sounder (Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder – ATMS) and satellite meteorological radar data from the Pacific found 2 stationary (ground) microwave hot spots and one slow-moving hot spot at sea (HAARP SBX-1, which is slowly moving phased platform of the marine X-range), confirm that the US military created directionally typhoon Haiyan using 3 HAARP systems. 2ground systems in Japan and marine SBX-1.

The phased use of the three radar systems significantly improves angular resolution of radiated microwaves – directs the microwave beam with high accuracy. Another controlled by american HAARP military installation was available in Guam – COBRA installation DANE is in the photo in this article.


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