US police come to deal with toy tiger

US police come to deal with a toy tigerA photo from open sources

In the American city of Kamas, located in Washington state, the police dispatcher received an unexpected call from a man claiming that on the roof of a car on the shore of a local lake, a tiger climbed, which poses a danger to life people.

Concerned law enforcement officers drove to the Lacamas reservoir, capturing with specialists armed with tranquilizing guns, however the alarm turned out to be false. Arriving at the place, police and zoologists found out that the reason for the turmoil was the usual soft toy in the form of Life-size Bengal tiger cub.

The police found the owner of an SUV with a tiger on the roof and interviewed him. A nineteen-year-old citizen said he had found plush predator in a landfill near the lake and immediately attached to his a car as a decoration, not even suspecting that someone might confuse a toy tiger with the present. Young man judging by everything, rejoiced at the attention to his person from law enforcement since immediately posted in social network “Twitter” message about what happened to him a curiosity.

According to police, they are not going to present the charges are neither to the owner of the toy, nor to the citizen who made the call. By however, law enforcement officers, giving interviews to reporters, noted that a man could wait until the predator at least stirs before rushing to the phone and disturbing law enforcement agencies. Although such a unique case for the police – not so unique, as she sometimes has to deal with even weirder, funnier, and sometimes just plain dumb challenges.

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