U.S. residents scared by the advent of a giant ozone hole

US residents are scared by the appearance of a giant ozone holeA photo from open sources

American edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences published full text with large-scale findings research by US scientists who prove that over the central part of the country, the ozone layer has already thinned to the limit and especially vulnerable to biological life he becomes in the summertime then there is at the moment.

The main reasons for such an adverse life phenomena scientists call volcanic eruptions as well as activities human, which led to increased atmospheric concentrations chlorine dichloride.

How does this threaten the Americans? Lack of adequate protection against ultraviolet radiation, which provides the ozone layer Earth, the researchers say, is fraught with the spread of such diseases like skin cancer. Moreover, the decrease in ozone is only one a percentage increases the risk of cancer by three to four percent.

Scientists advise residents of the central part of the United States to be less the sun and by no means sunbathe in the summer – this is very dangerously!

Life Ozone Hole USA

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