USA: an unprecedented drought is approaching

USA: an unprecedented drought is approachingA photo from open sources

According to climatologists, the second half of this century will bring southwestern United States severe drought, possibly the worst for past millennium. And this does not happen all at once – drought approaching America now.

At the beginning of this century, specialists bother to study everything available historical sources regarding climate north Of America, did a soil analysis and determined the amount of rainfall – how many are on average in this region. Scientists also took into account possible effects of global warming. The result was a scientifically based series of climate models has been built – and all of them showed one result: after about fifty to sixty America will be hit by the fittest in the last five hundred or even a thousand years of drought.

Today, scientists say that the prerequisites for this already exist. IN the last eleven years in the western states (Nevada, Oklahoma, California, Arizona, Texas) there is a shortage of water. So in last year, California authorities forced her to use, why without watering thousands of acres remained fertile land. In addition, the water level in lakes Powell, Mead – these North America’s largest reservoirs – located today at the lowest values ​​in history.

USA water

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