Vaccinated children are 500 percent sick more often than unvaccinated

The suspicions of those who are wary of vaccination of their children. Recent large study confirms the results of other independent observations, where vaccinated and unvaccinated children were compared. Photos from open sources They all show that vaccinated children get sick two to five times more often than unvaccinated children. Initially, the last study that is still being carried out, compared the health outcomes of unvaccinated children with German national research results KiGGS Health Care Covering Over 17,000 children under 19 years. This study, ongoing now, was initiated by classical homeopathist Andreas Bakhmayr (Andreas Bachmair). However, information about the American branch Bahmayr’s research can be found at, who invites parents of vaccinated children to attend in observations. So far, more than 11,000 have responded respondents, mostly from the USA. Other studies have led observation of smaller groups of families. However, the results were the same. Of course, none of these studies were covered by major media. None have been sponsored by disease control and prevention (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) or the World Health Organization (World Health Organization) or other national or international a healthcare organization or medical group. They are not dare objectively compare the health of unvaccinated children with those who have been vaccinated and risk ending their mania vaccination. All studies focused mainly on children’s diseases that occurred when the children are older. Vaccinated children are sick 500% more often than unvaccinated

A photo from open sources cause death or poor health because USA very few people (5 percent or less) applied for negative vaccination reporting program consequences, VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Injury Reporting System). Reasons why people didn’t apply for VAERS: * It’s complicated system that distracts the doctor from his work * Most parents do not know about her * Only negative reactions are taken into account, that occur immediately after vaccination * Since VAERS is voluntary; most doctors do not want to lay responsible for the negative effects of vaccination and continue to deny the danger of vaccinations. As a result, even the most terrible reactions to vaccinations are recognized little and reluctantly, and long-term health problems stemming from vaccinations are not even considered because it is believed that they have nothing to do with it.

A photo from open sources

Vaccinated children get sick 500% more often than unvaccinated children A brief overview of various studies of childhood diseases, usually offered to respondents by independent research: asthma, recurring tonsillitis, chronic bronchitis, sinusitis, allergies, eczema, ear infections, diabetes, sleep disorders, enuresis, dyslexia, migraines, hyperactivity, ADD, epilepsy, and depression slow development of speech and motor skills. In 1992 New Zealand group called Immunization Awareness Society (IAS) examined 245 families, the total number of children in which amounted to 495. Children were divided into two groups: vaccinated (226) and unvaccinated (269). Eighty-one families were both vaccinated and unvaccinated children. The difference between them was cardinal, in unvaccinated children the incidence rate common childhood illness was significantly lower than that of vaccinated children. According to another study, held in the New Zealand city of Christchurch among children, born in 1977 and later, not a single unvaccinated the child had no cases of asthma, while almost 25% vaccinated children by the age of 10 have already been treated for this disease. As part of Bahmire’s current study at during many comments from parents who did not vaccinate their children, there is a danger of vaccination and a desire to develop real immunity in a natural way. Doctor of Sciences in Immunology, Tatyana Obukhanych, author of a book called Vaccine Illusion, opposed the dogmas of her education and surroundings. She claims that no vaccines give real immunity to any disease. It is given by the risk of illness itself; you or not. Perhaps the most widespread informal study, ongoing, hosted by Tim O’Shea from the county Colombia by Vaccination is Not Immunization. Parents unvaccinated children just send him emails, where they compare the health of their children with the health of vaccinated children from their families acquaintances and friends.

US Health

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