Photo from open sources
Apocalyptic sounds coming either from heaven or from underground, whether generally giving birth to “nowhere”, heard in recent years by to the whole world. Someone describes them as the trumpet voice of heaven, in others places people hear a metal rattle, but more often it’s just heartbreaking hum, from which neither to hide nor run. By the way independent researchers have already collected nearly two hundred species of similar mysterious “heavenly organs.”
The most amazing thing is that while from an unknown sound hundreds or even thousands of people suffer, many at this time do not hear and with surprise perceive suddenly rising panic among their fellow citizens.
Scientists cannot explain these apocalyptic sounds, however try to attribute them to natural phenomena, for example, working mechanisms (plants, planes, cars), power lines, shifts of the earth’s crust and so on, however, all these explanations are like far-fetched. Conspirologists, in turn, blame these strange military phenomena that are working hard on climate weapons, for example, suspicion falls on the notorious HAARP is a research project launched by the United States in Alaska in 1993 year.
Among the latest events of this kind are mysterious sounds, recently hit the Valkensward community in the Dutch province North Brabant. A mysterious sound is heard here clearly from the sky, although there are no real sources of it and cannot be.
A photo from open sources
We invite you to listen to the recording made by a resident of this Roy van Zon area. You can read a lot about such mysterious trumpet sounds, wonder and even sympathize with those who came under their oppressive pressure but just listen to how it scary though, according to witnesses (and there are thousands in Valkensvarde), it’s real to hear all this much more painfully and creepy …
Netherlands time