A photo from open sources
Of course, experts immediately make a reservation, for any disease you can find a hundred reasons, and some of them are purely individual for every person. But … there are common ones, and often ridiculously simple and stupidly widespread.
For example, many women suffer from varicose veins. and cellulite. But these unpleasant diseases can easily be avoided. (at least, as experts say, at the very beginning stage), if the fair sex freed themselves from a bad habit of sitting cross-legged.
With this crossing of the legs, experts from medicine say there is a delay in lymph circulation in the lower extremities. Appears water retention in the body, which leads to problems in circulation blood, and therefore toxins are getting worse and worse … This whole chain disturbances of natural processes ultimately and leads to such sad consequences – cellulitis, varicose expansion of veins.
A photo from open sources
Experts convince everyone who loves to cross their legs when sitting, throw one on top of another, you should urgently get rid of this bad health habit. And this applies, of course, not only women, but also men, especially people who are already far away for thirty.
For an elderly person and this (getting rid of a bad habit) will not be enough, especially if you are sedentary (office) Lifestyle. You should learn to get up from the soft at least once an hour. armchairs and do the most basic exercises – squat, exercise for the neck, back, walking on the carpet on the knees (if you are at home). All this can be done in just five minutes, and as a result (with eliminating the habit of crossing legs) – easy getting rid of cellulite and many other sores, which, in fact, are only a consequence of our little nonsense.