Photos from open Sources What is Flibanserin? It turns out for women invented its own “Viagra”, capable of increasing sex drive, here only her name is different – flibanserin.
Flibanserin was developed by American scientists (and who else, for example, it would never have occurred to African, because there most likely, antifibanserin should be invented). According to developers, women also need such a sexual stimulant drives, like men.
The introduction of the drug in the United States of America planned in the near future, this is still being prevented by the Office U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The main thing that holds back officials to give “female viagra” the green road, this lack of a long study of it on subject of side effects. As a rule, they appear only when prolonged use of the drug, and practically no flibanserin has such an “experience.” Of course, American scientists continue their tests of a unique drug for frigidity of women, however, on it takes time and only time.
However, pharmacists have already stated that, most likely, “female Viagra” will appear in US pharmacies in late August this year as experts from the US Department of Health Food and Drug Administration approved Viagra for women. As for the distribution of flibanserin in the world, it will depend only on the ministries of health of those countries the beautiful half of whom so in need of such medical the drug. But does it just need?
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