Vibrating ring will not allow sleepy driver break up

The vibrating ring will not allow the sleepy driver to breakA photo from open sources

Last year one thousand seven hundred thirteen inhabitants of the United The kingdoms died due to falling asleep at the wheel of a car. Another twenty two thousand Britons for the same reason received significant injuries in traffic accidents, caused by lack of sleep of drivers.

Local experts call such statistics depressing. IN due to the fact that fewer people in Foggy Albion drive cars drunk, and the number of falling asleep at the wheel motorists increases every year, these figures in foreseeable future may equal. And if a drunk driver arrested immediately, then sleepy can for the time being not create an emergency on the road that is dangerous both for himself and for others, without giving the road inspectors a reason to claims and car stop.

To rectify the situation, British inventors created StopSleep device designed to prevent the driver from falling asleep during travel time. Two-finger novelty presents a cross between a ring and brass knuckles. If the gadget weakens, the owner immediately feels the vibration. The ring has eight sensors measuring hand voltage and electrical activity skin.

When the driver’s hand relaxes due to fatigue, he gets vibrating signal. If the first warning didn’t help, “StopSleep” starts to make a loud alarm sound.

Innovation, according to inventors, will target long-distance taxi and bus drivers, truckers and long distance lovers. The cost of “StopSleep” will be one hundred eighty pounds, that is, about two hundred and seventy nine US dollars.

True, mystically minded people and fatalists believe that such a ring will not save the driver if he is on the road will get killer cars or it’s written in his family to die on the track. On the other hand, there is a wonderful Russian proverb – safe horse and God saves. So this device, I think, after all, it will play its positive role on the roads of the world, saving drivers from imminent death due to their fatigue.

Drivers Time

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