Video about what will happen after the end of the world, the internet exploded

NASA video caused mixed reaction among users Networks. Apocalypse December 21, 2012, the probability of which is all actively discussing recently, will not come. At least, NASA experts have no doubt about this. Photo from open sources PHOTO: NASA Scientists Scientific agencies tried to convey this idea to people and even shot on The theme of the end of the world video, which was posted at its official YouTube channel. The video that caused the hype on the web is called “Why did not the end of the world come yesterday.” Thus, the authors of the video wanted to hint that the day after December 21st all the same will come. The video caused a mixed reaction among users. Some have suggested that NASA employees themselves are afraid of the end. light, so they didn’t post the video on December 22, but on the 11th. “In the announcement everything is explained to the video: NASA is so sure that the end of the world it will not be that they have already released a video from the next day, “- leads NBC News words by Tony Phillips, writer and science editor on the NASA website. Phillips later added that the idea of ​​the video belongs his. “I thought it was a simpler and more creative approach. to solve the problem. Some people, but not all, have been introduced into a delusion, “he said. And yet, despite the fact that the creators They wanted to explain the video to people that there will be no end of the world, judging according to the comments on YouTube, they called another initiative great excitement. However, experts are ready to give answers to questions you are interested in. Due to the flurry of emails organization mail, it was decided to create a section with often asked questions on the official website. In the meantime, if you believe Mayan predictions, exactly one week remains until the end of the world. IN not everyone believes the apocalypse, but there are those who are looking for a way to be saved. The other day, British newspapers were full of notes that Phones at hotels at the foot of Mount Rtan in eastern Serbia, just torn from booking requests for December 21st. The thing is that supporters of the apocalyptic scenario consider Rtan is the very place where you can escape from the end of the world. Manager one of the hotels located near the pyramidal mountain Rtan, in An interview with the British newspaper The Telegraph said that in one of In recent days, they received about 500 calls. “People come together whole families to us, “says Obrad Blekic. Famous British science fiction writer Arthur Clark several decades ago called Mount Rtan “the navel of the earth.” However, various legends have long been made up about her. There are even records according to which the Roman legionnaires after military campaigns came precisely to Rtani, because there are faster their wounds healed.

Daniil Arseniev

The end of the world NASA

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