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Recently, the Earth has become very smoking. For today day volcanoes erupt around the world. In particular, we can distinguish active volcanoes in countries such as Iceland, Hawaii, Indonesia, Mexico, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, volcanoes on Kuril Islands in Russia, Japan and many others. Moreover, many volcanoes seriously threaten the life and property of people, and in some cases there were dead and mass evacuation of the population. Exactly For these reasons, many people care about whether volcanoes eruption season? Surprisingly, this question can be given affirmative answer. Of course, volcanoes do not distinguish between seasons, however, other, very significant and intriguing factors. Eruptions caused by a change in speed planet rotation. As you know, the change of seasons is caused by that the axis of rotation of the Earth leans to the side and moves away from the sun. Meanwhile, more insignificant effects on the planet’s rotation factors, which also include volcanic activity. Due to such minor factors, gravitational attraction between the earth and the moon, and also the speed of the earth’s rotation, constantly are changing. Naturally, the length of the day also changes. Of course, changes are measured in milliseconds, but even so imperceptible gravitational and temporal changes can lead to serious destructive processes taking place inside the planet. Recently in the research journal Terra Nova, was published an article which convincingly proved that starting in the 19th century significant changes have occurred in the speed of rotation of the earth, and how as a result, volcanic activity increased. Authors article conclusively established that in the period from 1830 to 2014, the most significant changes in the speed of rotation of the planet and they are directly related to the increase in the number of large volcanic eruptions. And, according to the authors of the article, it is a decrease Earth’s rotation speed, is a catalyst for increased volcanic eruptions. Even a barely noticeable decrease in rotation speed the planet releases a tremendous amount of energy. It was estimated that because of this, 120,000 Pet Joules of energy were released per year. Of this the amount of energy is more than enough to illuminate and heat the United States of America for a whole year. However, all free energy is transferred to the surface of the earth or to its bowels, which affects volcanoes in the most negative way. All this free amount of energy is transferred to the surface of the planet, and changes its electromagnetic field. Change in turn electromagnetic field causes disturbance of magma, and magma, as any other disturbed fluid expands and seeks rise to the surface, which greatly increases volcanic activity. Research conducted by Terra Nova is still far from completion, but it’s now clear that even small changes in Earth’s rotation speeds affect seismic and volcanic activity. However, there is another natural phenomenon that may cause volcanic eruptions. This is fast climate change. Eruptions caused by climate change. IN the last decade it has become apparent that planetary consequences temperature changes affect glaciers melting and increase sea level. As evidence, the researchers cryptological studies on which the melting of glaciers in the past was accompanied by a significant surge in volcanic activity. About 19,000 years ago, the ice age was at the very in full swing. Most of Europe was icebound then happened sharp warming, and the ice cap began to melt, and living conditions became habitable for humans. But starting in the 70s last century, studies have shown that melting glaciers caused followed by frequent volcanic eruptions. The mathematical way was it is proven that between 12,000 and 7,000 years, the level volcanic activity grew 6 times! Thus observed direct dependence on changing cycles (cooling / warming) and sea level, with volcanic activity. Eruptions due to melting ice. The ice layers are very heavy, and Antarctica annually loses about 40 billion tons of ice. The consequence of this is that the reduction of the ice cap planet, causes the earth’s crust to bend and crack. Photos from open sources
Unfortunately, this theory is especially relevant, given that, the melting of glaciers is increasing, and the year is increasing from of the year. Melting glaciers can take hundreds of years, but volcanic efficiency will increase in proportion with each melting glacier. On the other hand, the connection between melting glaciers and volcanic activity is not proven by the scientific community, and considered one of the hypotheses of increased volcanic activity.
Volcanoes Life Russia USA