A photo from open sources
Rhonda Byrne, author of the world’s best-selling Power and Mystery, has released a new book – Magic. In all his Australian researcher works in plain language tells how to learn how to draw magic into your life and shape your future the way you want it see.
Ronda Byrne’s new book is interesting in that it describes the simplest, most famous, and at the same time the most magical a way to get out of any negative situation and attract life of material prosperity, happiness and love. It – thanks.
If a person has or suddenly has any problems, be then health, breaking up relationships or lack of money – that means one thing: such a person has forgotten how to thank, began to accept benefits for granted, for granted that first creates discontent, negativity, and then a series of unhappiness, since all the negative attracts like that.
Truly happy people claim to wake up in the morning and first of all, thank the Universe (God) for everything you have, then be sure to smile, stretch sweetly (this is for the body) and only then get out of bed.
True gratitude does not need formal words
Learn to thank everyone and everyone, and at every moment life, writes Rhonda Byrne, for example, drank a morning cup of tea, mentally heartily thank everyone who provided you with this pleasure, even the one who made you tea, sincerely, and not getting off formal and meaningless “thanks”.
A photo from open sources
When you live in a regime of constant gratitude to God, Nature, people around you, every manifestation of Being, then with you it’s just that nothing bad can happen, including you don’t black thoughts, feelings of gloom, sadness and other negative ones will touch manifestations. The world will become radiant and beautiful, and in it, as with a wave of a magic wand, real miracles will start to happen Your most cherished dreams come true. And all the bad, poisonous your existence, including illness, misfortune, will disappear – scatter like fog under the rays of the hot sun.
That’s all magic – the magic of gratitude. Just need to let her in into your life, and not just let it in, but make it a permanent state your being. Then you will float on a wave of gratitude, having experienced hitherto unfamiliar sensations of amazing clarity of thought and the amazing delight of the soul. This condition, for example, M.Norbekov calls Octave, Lissi Moussa – Soul Soaring. But the important thing is not even name, and this is the very state in which you become omnipotent a wizard and a true master of his life.
A life