Want to be wise – soak in the blood and flesh wise thoughts

Want to be wise - soak up wise thoughts in blood and fleshA photo from open sources

The proposed video is simple, like everything ingenious in this life. It contains just a few quotes that many of us have heard or even know. But … never follow them for some reason.

Maybe you should look again at this video of wise sayings. and think about it? And if you can’t think about it, then maybe bookmark this page and constantly return to the wisdom of the Great. This approach is said to be astounding. results. For example, if a person is constantly told that it’s very easy to become happy and rich, he will eventually believe this will finally become rich and happy.

Wise thoughts collected in this video of a slightly different plan, they are more about a person’s relationship to life and death. But here is what surprisingly, it is these fundamental views that form all the rest is in our reality. A man who is not afraid death, almost omnipotent, it can be called a demigod or, according to least a superman to whom any spiritual and material wealth, and hence the knowledge that there is happiness.

So, we look and repeat the statements of the wise, and try let them into the heart. It is very simple, like all ingenious, – try to feel the deep meaning of any of this wisdom. AND when a slight trembling passes through the body – everything, something valuable fell into your subconscious and will now begin to transform you for the better.

True, everyone, as Goethe noted, hears and sees only that understands. And to put it more truly, only what has grown his consciousness. So at least check how mature your consciousness is. I wish you success!

A life

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