Water, water, around – water

Water, water, all around - waterA photo from open sources Man eighty percent consists of water, so you need to replenish it every day and in considerable quantity. But how much of this water needs to be drunk per day so as not to harm your health – there is still no unequivocal opinions of scientists.

The issue of water consumption is divided into two components: with one on the other hand, it is important how much to drink it per day, and on the other – what to consider water, only a pure natural drink, or everything that is cooked based on it (tea, soup, compote and so on)?

Recently, it has become increasingly fashionable to think that drinking you need only clean water and consume it at least two liters per day. Harvard University scientists spent their large-scale study and concluded that on average a person should drink from one to one and a half liters of liquid, then there is the concept of “water” in this case includes all the others liquids, including first courses.

A photo from open sources

Of course, the researchers emphasize, this is only average indicators, for example, all people are different in complexion, then in certain situations, say, with intense physical activity, while feeding a child and so on consumption fluid should be increased. However excessive moisture consumption harmful to human health, because water in this case washes away too much sodium is excreted, which can even lead to fatal outcome.

In an article published in the Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine, scientists emphasize that in everything, including water consumption, should be a measure. And the best indicator of this measure is the body itself. a person who knows when and how much he needs liquids. As a rule, people constantly drink it because than they don’t know the measures. Therefore, tips such as what you need in a day to drink two liters of water, and certainly clean (this is, apart from all other fluid that an ordinary person will still to use) – these are recipes for suicides …

Water Health

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