For some reason, our ancestors felt electric and magnetic fields.
Photo from open sources With a compass in my head … Scientists from the medical school of the University of Massachusetts assure: a person could sense a magnetic field, and therefore navigate it without any compass. Like a dove. Because the would have a built-in compass right inside the eyes. Cause all you need for him, there is. And quite functional. The fact is that the eyes birds, mammals and insects are equipped with a special protein cryptochrome, which allows owners to respond to a magnetic field. People have their own cryptochrome. But does not work. By at least with the same strength as the smaller brothers. Here is what an experiment was invented by a neuroscientist Stephen Reppert, who found the beginnings sixth sense in people. He trained caught flies to pass labyrinth, guided with the help of an artificially created magnetic fields. Flies over and over again successfully completed the task – Naturally, thanks to the “magnetic” protein. Then the scientist stripped the flies their cryptochrome. And they stopped navigating in the maze. IN in the end, Reppert supplied the same flies with the human “magnetic” protein. And the skills to go through the maze returned to them. Flies like “magnetic” saw. Therefore, our cryptochrom as a detail the body is fully functional. It performs its functions. But before them for some reason, the application does not reach. The conclusion of the neuroscientist: nature and people awarded with sensitivity to magnetic fields. However this ability that seems to have been originally possessed by our distant ancestors, was lost in the process of evolution. Maybe the sixth the feeling turned out to be excessive. And five were enough for people. – Sixth man still has a feeling, says the scientist. – It costs to admit. But how do we use magnetic susceptibility, not yet clear.
Photos from open sources This is the ancestor of all psychics. … and with ammeter At the dawn of evolution, all vertebrates felt and electric field. In fact, they were psychics. And the most ancient discovered by American scientists. Predatory sea fish that lived more 500 million years ago, was equipped with special electroreceptor cells. Studies have shown that she, this fish, is in direct evolutionary relationship with 30 thousand species animals now inhabiting the earth. Including man. That’s it turns out that our albeit very distant, but still the ancestor was psychic. The discovery allowed Willy Bemis, executive director Research Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Cornell University concludes that some modern species with a sixth sense, for example platypus and echidna, developed it is not in the process of evolution. On the contrary, they saved once acquired specific fixture from the “base complete set “, laid down by nature. Others, for some reason, have lost this is a fixture. According to Bemis, only specific cells, and the corresponding genes responsible for extrasensory perceptions did not disappear without a trace. And just dozing. Therefore not it’s possible that amazing people abilities. But they are not aware of them in their entire mass. Not use, do not develop, do not train. Although some are unique perhaps somehow realize what is bestowed by nature, even small crumbs. Or they are given more than others from birth. But this enough to be known as psychics. Say X-ray people able to see others through and through.
Photos from open Sources Liver cells emit green rays. BTW Liver became the laser of Genetics, Physics, and Biology from Harvard for the first time in The world received radiation from a biological object. Made live laser from a human liver cell. And she began to emit green directional coherent beam that was visible to the naked eye. The authors of the experiment have not thought about practical application of your achievement. But it turns out that throw laser beams through your own organs like this some people did X, not so fantastic. Similar a fundamental possibility really exists. -Biological lasers could work not in vitro, but alive organisms, Harvard scientists agree, Professor Seok-Hyun Yoon and his colleague Malt Gater. AND AT THIS TIME Scientists prove: A liar didn’t lie. He hit his head hard, especially breaking his forehead, a person feels that sparks are pouring from his eyes. “Already sparks from the eyes “- for centuries it has been customary to speak in such cases. But there are hardly any people who consider the phenomenon real. Like, not fools, we understand: it only seems. – If you close your eyes and much rub them with your hands, you can see bright spots, dots, sparks and color flashes called phosphenes and appear from simple eye contact, – ophthalmologists usually explain to those who still interested in the biological essence of the phenomenon. – your visual the nerve transforms this physical effect into all kinds of bizarre images. Therefore, getting hit in the eye or on the head, you can see sparks before your eyes. However Baron Munchausen insisted in one of his true stories: a spark, bounced out of the eye, you can set fire to gunpowder. And he was not so far from the truth. At least modern scientists give reason to believe this. Research conducted at massachusetts technological Institute (MIT), testify: human bones possess piezoelectric properties. That is, they are able to produce shock electricity. – It’s hard not to experience excitement when you discover a new interesting phenomenon, – says professor Stephen Johnson. Together with colleagues, he appreciated effects that occur in the bones of the skull. And discovered: they generate current. The professors were, of course, not inspired by Munchausen. A strange anomalies observed on the battlefield. The goal was to try to understand why shells that exploded far enough from the soldiers, sometimes cause severe concussion. And now, as it turned out, the matter is rather of all, in the electricity that the skull produces under the influence of mechanical stress. From a computer model drawn up professor, it turned out: even a very weak shock wave creates strong piezoelectric effect in the bones of the skull. And worked out Thus, current can disrupt the brain and even damage it. The most surprising: electric discharges are mainly concentrate at the eyes. That is, the sparks in them are given to us not only in sensations. And they have a real physical nature – electrical. how in piezo lighters. So why not assume that with under certain conditions, the spark generated by the skull will not fly out? And flammable gunpowder will not burn. Conclusion: Munchausen boasted. A real spark from the eyes is a rarity. But not fiction. MIT scientists talking about the results of their research, by no means joked. Skull Sparks Report sounded at the conference of the American Acoustic Society (Acoustical Society of America) in Baltimore. And this is very serious.
Photo from open sources The charge is concentrated mainly in the area eyebrow. CONCEPTUALLY How Baron Munchausen sparked from his eyes I lived well in Petersburg. I often went hunting and now I remember with pleasure that fun time when I was almost so many wonderful stories happened every day. One story was very funny. The fact is that from the window of my bedroom was visible vast pond, where there was a lot of all kinds of game. One morning, going to the window, I noticed wild ducks on the pond. I grabbed instantly rifle and headlong ran out of the house. But in a hurry, running away with stairs, I hit my head on the door, so hard that out of my eyes sparks rained down on me. This did not stop me. I ran on. And finally, a pond. I aim at the fattest duck I want shoot – and, to my horror, I notice that there is no flint in the gun. A impossible to shoot without flint. Run home for flint? But ducks can fly away. I sadly lowered my gun, cursing my fate, and suddenly a brilliant thought occurred to me. With all my might I punched myself in the right eye. Of course, from the eye sparks rained down. And the gunpowder flashed at the same instant. Yes! Powder broke out, the gun fired, and I killed ten with one shot excellent ducks. I advise you whenever you think make a fire, get the same sparks from the right eye. (Rudolf Erich Raspe. “The Adventures of Baron Munchausen”) Vladimir Lagovsky
Time Lasers Fish Evolution Psychics