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An external skeleton that could bring a person closer he, to the capabilities of the robot, has long been interested in biological scientists, not to mention science fiction writers who successfully “use” this idea in their artwork.
However, specialists at the universities of Carnegie Melon and North Carolina managed to not only invent and create such a skeleton, but also and make it non-volatile, which allows very successful use this unit in almost many areas human activity. Such a robotic device, for example, can reduce your effort when walking and running by almost ten percent, making you exactly as hardy and stronger.
An external non-volatile skeleton can be successfully applied and during unloading and loading operations, say, where it is especially important precise actions of man and at the same time considerable forces and energy costs. It will not be superfluous, scientists say, is adaptation and for people suffering for one reason or another problems of the musculoskeletal system.
The only drawback of the new invention remains its bulkiness, inability to hide under clothes, however, unlike from previous similar devices, the current one is different non-volatility, that is, it does not need additional power sources. Therefore, this discovery the scientific world is fair considered a major breakthrough in bioengineering.